WHO: the virus comes from nature


The World Health Organization (WHO) considers that Washington’s claims about the origin of the coronavirus in the laboratory are unfounded and continues to consider that the virus comes from nature, according to a WHO press conference held online in Geneva on Monday at local time.

Michael Ryan The organization’s director of emergencies said the United States has yet to provide any evidence of these allegations, which can therefore only be considered assumptions.

If such evidence exists, it is up to the US government. USA Disclose it

He pointed.

Ryan asked for collaboration between the WHO and Chinese researchers on the origins of the virus, but warned that the issue would move to the political level. Maria Van Kerkhove, A WHO epidemiologist confirmed that the organization believed that the virus had spread from a bat to other animals sold on the market in Wuhan, central China, which was considered the starting point of the epidemic.

He added that they are currently investigating whether there was an intermediate host between the bat and the man.

Donald trump The President of the United States told reporters on Thursday that he saw evidence of a link between the coronavirus and Wuhan’s laboratory. At the end of the week Mike Pompeo The US Secretary of State. USA He also believed that there is more significant evidence that the new coronavirus comes from a laboratory here.

The head of US diplomacy said China “was notoriously failing to meet standards in its laboratories.” Without mentioning specific details, he added: “This is not the first time that a virus in a Chinese laboratory has endangered the world.”

The results of verified investigations published in scientific journals so far, without exception, all concluded that the virus is natural, of animal origin and not produced in a laboratory.

(MTI, highlighted by Fabrice Coffrini / AFP)
