Layoffs at Continental’s Makó plant: what’s the reality?


Our newspaper also published a statement from the Rubber Industry Union Confederation that at the Makó plant in Continental, employees were persuaded to terminate the collective agreement for personal reasons as if they had initiated the termination themselves. The promotion also mentioned “inhumane” working conditions. The auto company has now responded to the allegations.

According to an earlier statement, the Makó plant management keeps people in total insecurity because, having issued the vast majority of vacations, it does not guarantee that those who “voluntarily” have part-time employment and that they Resulting lower wages are not laid off. According to the union, 90 percent of the workers reached an agreement because the factory whispered that they would fire those who didn’t sign first. The plant has already undergone a significant reduction, 200 people have been put on the streets, but no one has guaranteed that there will be no more.

According to Continental, in the current situation of the automotive industry market, all players are affected by a significant drop in demand, so the number of temporary agency workers has been reduced by two hundred at its Makó plant due to decreasing orders.

“At Makon, we were looking for several alternatives to save as many jobs as possible. Of these, the proposal to reduce work hours was endorsed by more than 95 percent of our employees. We continued to employ everyone in their original jobs, with individual modifications to employee contracts. ” .

At our plant in Makó, amendments to the employment contract related to the work schedule reduced by 25 percent to three months from May 1, 2020, which has already been signed by more than 90 percent of our employees, are being signed. employees. The employer did not initiate termination of the employment contract on the grounds that someone had not signed it. As a result of the contract amendment, earnings will be reduced by 25 percent for a fixed period of three months, and our employees will also receive the planned premium. The use of state aid is determined by the capabilities of each of our factories, several of our Hungarian sites have submitted applications, but there are places where, unfortunately, we cannot take advantage of these opportunities, “the company wrote.

What is health protection like?

According to the interest group, working conditions in the factory are not eligible. For example, refrigerators were closed or removed from common areas, so snacks and lunches brought from home were dried all day at the plant, which was heated to 30 degrees. The changing rooms and therefore the showers were closed. According to them, rubber manufacturers doing heavy physical work went home in their dirty and sweaty work clothes.

Continental responded to criticism: “During the temporary cessation of production, we took additional steps to protect the health of our employees, such as increasing the distance between workstations, providing protective equipment and disinfectants, creating new breaks, redesigning areas of rest, increase employer-provided travel capacity. ” “We have carried out an individual risk analysis based on the individual operating conditions of each of our factories, as a result of which we have implemented different measures for each site, taking into account the maximum protection of the health and safety of our employees”.
