Forty of our old Yugoslav states, Titus, died


Forty years ago, on May 4, 1980, Josip Broz Tito, the former President of Yugoslavia after World War II, died. For decades, the person held together the formation of the dlszlv state, and ethnic conflicts that erupted after death led to a decade of red wine, Yugoslavia.

After the Stalinist purges, he became the first Yugoslav communist.

The Szlets date is disputed, it is now scheduled for May 7, 1892, but was previously officially celebrated on May 25 in Yugoslavia. Josip Broz from Croatia and Slovenia was born in Kumrovec, on the Croatian-Slovenian border, among the nine children of a poor peasant family in the seventh.

Joszip Broz Tito, Yugoslavia “rks” llamelnkeForrs: Wikimedia Commons / Digital Library of Slovenia

He studied the profession of locksmith, and in 1913 he was recruited into the army of the Ostrk-Hungarian Monarchy. In the world’s first wine, he was first sent to the Serbian front, where he spent a few weeks detained for anti-wine propaganda. In 1915 he fought on the Galician front and received the rank of criminal, and soon fell into Russian captivity.

He left there and then fought on the Vrsk side after the Bolshevik takeover in October 1917.

and entered the Bolshevik prtba.

Josip Broz Tito’s vineyard in Kumrovec, CroatiaSource: Wikimedia Commons / Janez Novak,

In 1920, he returned home to his first Russian wife, Pelagija Belouszov, in the well-established Serbian-Croatian-Slovenian Kirlys, and became a member of the Yugoslav Communist Party.

The ban on illegal activities following the 1921 ban on the Prt has come to light several times,

however, it increased more and more in the hierarchy.

Photo from the biennial record taken during Tito’s fall in 1928Forrs: Wikimedia Commons / Zbornik seanja activist jugoslovenskog revolutionary radnikog pokreta

He was elected to the Political Committee in 1934, when he took the name of the Titus movement. He worked at the Moscow International Center in 1935, and when the former Yugoslav leadership fell victim to the great Stalinist purges in 1938, he met the new organization in the Kremlin, making Tito the first man in the Yugoslav Communist Party.

Stlin, and the powerful gray eminence, Molotov in the 1930s. Titus did the great cleaningSource: AFP

He returned home in 1937 and was officially elected secretary in the illegal Congress of Congress in 1940.

rmester became a general in the party army

After the invasion and occupation of Yugoslavia in April 1941, Tito became the commander-in-chief of the organized party. Josip Broz Tito, with Soviet knowledge, summoned the Yugoslav Anti-Fascist Commission in 1942, but in the summer of 1941 declared a fight against the German occupation.

Titus as commander of the dismantled Yugoslav army Npi, in 1943Source: Wikimedia Commons / Slade, M J (Sgt) No 2 Army Film and Photographic Unit

Tito, who became a guerrilla leader, organized a partisan army, the Yugoslav Liberated Army,

which was later armed by the British and the Americans with more than 100,000 rifles,

They fought with 50,000 automatic weapons and rifles, 1,360 minesweepers, and 700 rifles, all the time with weapons acquired from enemies, mostly Italians.

Simultaneously with the recruitment of the party army, the former rector of the Ostrk-Hungarian Monarchy army named a cheese seed.

The former commander of the monarchy’s army appointed Marshal, commander of the partisan army, during World War II.Forrs: Wikimedia Commons / Joe Gal

In April 1943, the former partisan commander, known as Marshal Titus, managed to escape the Wehrmacht garrison in the defended battle of Neretva, but in the capital near Sutjeska his partisan army suffered heavy defeat from the German regular formations.

Titus and Ivan Ribar in 1943, after the capital near SutjeskaForrs: Wikimedia Commons / John Phillips,

Fortunately, out of a team of 20,000, 14,000 people managed to get out of Germany,

therefore his partisan army was not destroyed.

After Sutjeskai’s defeat, Titus did not dare to venture into the Wehrmacht formations, but threw himself with his supporters into the mountains and avoided tragedy.

Leaving all of the Major General’s robes, he fled to Skorzeny’s commandos.

Titus with the German troops and the Italian troops, as well as the winter troops, drank better with the fetish army of Draza Mihajlovics from Kirlyprti and the cruel partisan wine he drank with the Croatian Uszttas.

Tito’s power in its entirety, in 1960, his wife, Jovanka Broz in companyForrs: Wikimedia Commons / Joe Gal

In addition to the German army and the smaller units in the procession, as well as the rival supporter, there was time to

to carry out cruel crimes against settlements suspected of hostile collaborations.

In early May 1944, an in-person secret command campaign was organized for Hitler’s garden.

Skorzeny Hitlernl. Fhrer commissioned him to plan an action against TitoForrs: Bundesarchiv / O.Ang

A paratrooper ordered under the command of Otto Skorzeny SS-Obersturmbannfhrer (Lieutenant Colonel) released by Mussolini in the “Unternehmen Rsselsprung”, that is, the operation “Operation Lugrs”

On May 25, 1944, he attempted to do so.

They are in charge of transportation near Drvar, Bosnia.

Skorzeny KommandsaiForrs: Bundesarchiv / O.Ang

However, when Tito took the first German parade, leaving everything behind, he immediately fled, so Skorzeny managed to “capture” only part of the party and all the bosses.

Little did he know that Churchill had not attacked Titt

After a long debate between British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt, mainly under pressure from the American President, Titt was recognized as the exclusive alliance of the Anglo-Saxon authorities in place of Mikhailovich of Kirlyprint.

Tito’s supporters in 1944, with the help of the Red Army invading the territory of Yugoslavia, expelled the German attack from the country.

American President Franklin D. Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill in society. The allies recognized Titt as the leader of YugoslaviaForrs: Wikimedia Commons

The partisan formations invading Dlvidk avenged the “cold days” of 1942 in Vojvodina. Some 40,000 Hungarian civilians, among many women and young people, were victims of the party.

Chechen leader Mikhailovich (glasses expert) fought equally against the Germans and their allies, as well as against the Tito Communist Party ArmySource: Policy Forum

Although Titus did not order retaliation for the dlvidki, he tacitly acknowledged the difficult situation,

and held no one accountable to the party commanders who committed brutal atrocities.

According to some estimates, 40,000 Hungarians in Dlvidki were victims of revenge by the party army.Source: Tumbrl

In early May 1945, relations between Titus and the English deteriorated sharply.

Titus ordered the partisan formations that entered the island of Istria to occupy Trieste, which Churchill refused to do, therefore he ordered Major Alexander to prevent the occupation of Trieste by the army.

Titus s Churchill. In the last days of wine, tensions between the English and Titus for TriesteForrs: Wikimedia Commons / Government of the United Kingdom / Imperial War Museum

Faced with the determination of the British, Tito was reluctant to give up his attempts to eradicate the Italian offensive. Croatia’s independence, which was banned in April 1941, was abolished again, and in May 1945, Yugoslavia was reunited under the government of Titus.

At the same time, the personal worship of Titus, the Yugoslav Gulg, developed

After the wine, the country was organized according to the Soviet model, officially abolishing the monarch and expelling non-communists from the leadership of parliament. The opponents, and later the “dubbed” communists, were terrorized by the defense of the state.

In the early 1950s, not only was the cult of Titus established, but also the Yugoslav hulgug gulg.

on one of the arid islands of the Adriatic Sea, Goli Otok, where Croats, Serbs, Slovenes, Macedonians, Montenegrins, Bosnians, albinos, Hungarians and others were imprisoned in the system between 1949 and 1980.

Tito and Eleanor Roosevelt in 1953 during the visit of the President of the United States to YugoslaviaSource: Wikimedia Commons / Franklin D. Roosevelt Library

Tito Gol Otokr, also a member of the Soviet Communist Party, decided in 1948 to negotiate with Brkki.

Titus sovereignly controlled everything that depended on his personality: he also referred to his style or privileges, he exposed himself to the risk of inciting anger in his head and, possibly, immediately to the enemy, the enemy of the prt.“Titt was described by the former Marshal’s militant and then confronted, Milovan Gyilasz.

Stlin could not forgive Yugoslav sovereignty

Tito, who was elected President of Yugoslavia in 1953, had previously clashed with Moscow over his independent foreign policy in the Balkans.

After Sztlin’s attempts at intervention failed,

At the behest of this dissolved Soviet dictator, in 1948, Yugoslavia was expelled from the Moscow Communist-controlled international organization Kominform.

Stlin could not forgive Tito’s sovereign tricksForrs: Ria / Novosti / Archive

Amidst the Kremlin’s anti-Yugoslav propaganda, economic boycotts and provocations, Tito’s Yugoslavia reached out to the West and established relations with the Soviet Union only two years later, after Stalin’s death.

Titus s Khrushchev. It was not until 1955 that relations between Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union began to normalize.Forrs: Wikimedia Commons / State Archives of the Republic of Macedonia

Maintains an equal distance from both blocks

Titus Nehru developed the principles of non-engagement with the Indian and Nasser Egyptian presidents.

None of the superpowers belonged to the first meeting of the unaligned deceased in Belgrd, held in 1961, and Titus became one of the decisive leaders of a major political movement in the more developed countries of the third world.

Egyptian President Titus Nasser in Society, 1960Forrs: Wikimedia Commons / Joe Gal

The new model of Yugoslav socialism was accompanied by some liberalization,

the sixth of the central agencies and state planning were limited by the labor administration, but in part power in the six member states (slovenia, croatia, serbia, montenegro, bosnia and herzegovina, and macedonia) replaced the opposition of the internal center.

Tito with Yugoslav pipelines in 1958Forrs: Wikimedia Commons / Joe Gal

Titus was removed from the divided leadership in 1966 by Serbian centrist Rankovict, and six years later by liberal and decentralized Croatian and Serbian heather.

The new 1974 constitution extended the equality of the six member states and the two provinces (Vojvodina and Kosovo), which strengthened Albanian nationalism, but at the same time provoked discontent among Croats and Serbs.

Many people still remember the memory of Tito with nostalgia.

Tito’s deteriorating health had to be amputated in January 1980, his condition rapidly deteriorated, and he died on May 4, 1980. One million people, 35 lambs, 24 government officials and 46 ministers participated in the funeral. of foreign relations, several more communists and workers, as well as the divided movement of the nation.

Marshal Joszip Broz Tito, Llamelnkeknt of Yugoslavia in 1954Source: Slavorum

Tito listened not long after the Yugoslav government had failed: decentralization had failed, the monopoly on power had prevailed alongside the administration, and ethnic tensions had been repressed in the past.

leading to the fact that Yugoslavia grew in red wine from the 1990s.

Titus’ fulfillment is still disputed today: he was only allowed to glorify him, after his death in Zgrb he was considered a crooked Croat and in Belgrd a Serbian wall.

Titus and his superior Nixon, President of the United States, in Fehr Hz, 1972Source: Wikimedia Commons Collection / White House Photo Office

The Croatian brli does not forgive him for the repression of the “Croatian spring” of 1972, and the Serbs do not finish the constitution of 1974. The image was removed from the internal parliament, the cities baptized in the former Yugoslavia and the original names were returned to the street.

Titus SremlkeForrs: Wikimedia Commons / Kenzavi (Igor Cvetanovi)

A Croatian monument was blown up in Kumrovec in 2004,

In 2015, the Croatian President took office and Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic removed Tito’s bust from the Llamfi Palace as a first step.

The Croatian government Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic removed the statue of Titus from the presidential palaceForrs: NurPhoto / Mateusz Wlodarczyk / NurPhoto / Mateusz Wlodarczyk

Zgrbi Square, named after the marshal, was named after a marathon debate. At the same time, in the Montenegrin capital Podgoric, which was called Titograd until 1992, a statue was erected in 2018, its interior mausoleum remains a popular tourist attraction, and in the countries of the former Yugoslavia, many still remember the era of Titus

(Source: MTVA Sajtadatbank, Origo)
