Romanian President made another anti-Hungarian statement


According to the position of the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (DAHR) published on Monday night, Romanian President Klaus Iohannis tried to justify his unacceptable statement last week with another unacceptable statement on Monday.

The alliance responded to Klaus Iohannis’ statements on Monday afternoon in a document sent to MTI. This time, the head of state accused the opposition Social Democratic Party (PSD) of supporting the adoption of a “parallel administrative code” that “makes the Hungarian language mandatory in certain areas of Transylvania”, leading to “the autonomy of Szeklerland. “

In interpreting the DAHR, the President, while considering Romania as an exemplary minority, deplores the DAHR’s call to strengthen linguistic rights in force since 2001 and impunity for the use of community symbols.

“We called for this in 2018, when it was proposed in the new Administrative Code that previously acquired minority rights to use their native language it should not be restricted retrospectively. The new code stated that minority rights could continue to apply where the proportion of minorities it does not reach twenty percent, if the local government decides so, “recalled the association.

The code was voted by parliament on July 9, 2018, but was questioned in the Constitutional Court by both the National Liberal Party (PNL) and Klaus Iohannis, who was elected party president. For one year, on July 3, 2019, the Dăncilă government adopted a new administrative code drawn up by the PSD through a government emergency decree. This legislation has already restricted the acquired rights of the Hungarian community in several respects.

“For the broader use of our native language and the impunity of the symbols of our community, we presented our own draft Administrative Code on October 28, 2019, which included proposals that Parliament had already approved. This bill was adopted Tacitly on April 8, 2020 by the Senate, the President spoke against that today, “explained the DAHR resolution.

The association stated that DAHR has been fighting for the strengthening and expansion of the use of the mother tongue of the Hungarian community for 30 years. He emphasized that he is not doing this on the street, but in parliament, and not in the “dark rooms” of parliament, as the president put it last week, but in front of the plenary and always in a constitutional manner.

The document concludes with rhetorical questions. “Why is it a problem if we ask that, in addition to the hospital or the mayor’s office, Hungarian can be spoken to the police, where the minority proportion is 20 percent? Can the flag of Bukovina be raised, but there is a penalty for using the Szekler flag? “

EMSZ: anti-Hungarian has become the essence of Klaus Iohannis’ policy

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