Index – Domestic – Despite relaxation, distance education in higher education remains in the field


Despite the lifting of restrictions imposed by the epidemic, many rural higher education institutions maintain absenteeism education due to the coronavirus epidemic at the moment, but are also exploring opportunities to facilitate education and testing, writes MTI.

The rectors can decide on the visit of students from higher education institutions, but the visit of schools is still prohibited, András Gelencsér, Pannonia University for example, it was precisely because of the latter that its rector announced that absent education would continue for the time being. As he said, they are exploring the possibility of how they can take the tests in absentia, but they are already planning to take the tests that can be taken in person.

the University of Pécs (PTE) Its operational staff will examine facilitation opportunities in education and exams on Tuesday, and then, after consulting with faculties and student self-government, will make a proposal to the principal regarding the measures. State exams at the University of Pécs will be conducted in person, if this is justified by the details of the course, and in these state exams, the utmost care will be taken to maintain adequate distance and strict compliance with hygiene regulations.

the Miskolc university The Chancellor has decided that distance education will continue during this diligent period and examination period, notices will be sent this Monday, the Chancellor’s office said. the Ferenc Gál College In all faculties and training centers (Szeged, Gyula, Békéscsaba, Szarvas and Budapest) the absent education system introduced in March remains the same, students cannot visit institutions until the end of the second semester. The possibility of taking the final exams in person will be decided later according to the institution’s website.

the At the University of Debrecen According to the Rector and Chancellor’s previous announcement, education is still in digital form, but practical final exams can be taken in person with the presence of appropriate, profession-specific protective equipment and distance rules. Students can only go to the educational building for exams or visit the library. Previously closed universities will remain closed during the academic year, but universities participating in final exams and internships will still be able to stay in universities that still receive medical students, foreigners and Hungarian students from abroad.
