Index – Domestic – Sándor Farkas: They do not have to enroll those who were previously admitted to Szentes primary school


Member of Parliament Sándor Farkas reported in a Facebook post that he had renegotiated with the director of the district tank center, and according to the current position, those classes can start at the grammar schools maintained by the District Center from Tanques de Hódmezővásárhely.

the number of students reaches at least 14 per department and at least the minimum number of 26 per class specified by law.

Accordingly, students who enroll in Szentes primary school who have previously been admitted to classes that have reached the minimum number of students and have been informed that they have been admitted to the institution before the end of the Admission did not have to be admitted. They will also have additional recruits.

In his position, Farkas points out that those who wish to file an appeal against the admission decision received from an elementary school belonging to the Hódmezővásárhely Tank Center during the current admission procedure can file their appeals by mail or electronically. The appeal, to the extent possible, will be filed by phone and the decision submitted will be attached.

The Index reported for the first time that, despite previously announced admission results, several students were reportedly notified within a few days that they had not been admitted. At Szentesi Horváth Mihály Gimnázium, instead of the planned five, only three classes could have started according to the decision of the tank district chief.

According to the results announced on March 12, a total of 28 children could have studied in September at the school’s literary and dramatic media department starting in September, but after the decision, the school year would have started with just 17 students. . The instruction also affected the József Attila High School in Makói and the János Batsányi High School in Csongrád. At these high schools, instead of three, only two classes can start in the fall.

Gergely Gulyás, head of the Prime Minister’s Office, criticized the decision on government information last Thursday. Goulash then said that Clear points should be made in schools about who is hired and who is not. What professional framework should be defined in advance, which is not changed afterwards. After his statement, Klik canceled the above instructions in some cases in the afternoon.

This was followed by an additional recruitment request, to which Secretary of State Bence Rétvári said on Monday in Ágnes Kunhalmi’s question in the parliamentary question what
Admitted students will be admitted and all students will be able to continue their studies.
