started again in the htfn field


In the next stage of defense, on the htftl field, the restart began according to a strict schedule. The hallways can receive guests on the terraces again, the beaches and the sports park will gradually open, but more important rules must be observed. In Budapest and Pest County, we can still leave home for good reasons, for example they cannot go to the country.

Debrecen utcinación was significantly hotter than in previous days, and the number of kerk professionals also increased, MTI knew it. The Nagyerd part of the park is closed, and many young families and children could be seen around the stadium and the zoo.
The terraces of the corridors and squares also began to enter.Nyregyhzn In this week, the great Tokaji market may open; In all markets it is mandatory to wear a mask or mask, the elderly can still buy between 10 and 12. Veszprmben It is also mandatory to wear a face mask in markets, on means of transport, in stores. The playgrounds and the outdoor sports pool gradually heat up.

Szeged In the city center, there are many guests on the terraces of the cabins and tearooms. In some places, pt. It is sold through a plexiglass window, but in most places there is a cellar. szolnok The Tiszaliget tennis courts have opened, from 9 to 9 you can gradually visit the outdoor sports club and playgrounds. After a phone consultation, locals can visit their GP, pediatrician, and dentist again. Those over 65v can still go to markets between 8 and 10.

IllusztrciFot: Koncz Mrton – Origo

Tiszafreden We are expected to open playgrounds and outdoor sports venues in the middle of nowhere. You can visit the beach in June. Miskolc For guest places, the application for a public use permit can also be submitted electronically, it will be issued within eight days and the permit will be issued retroactively to the filing date. The use of the terraces is free.

szombathely Public terraces increase the number of restaurants, which do not have to pay a higher fee, even after the larger area. Kecskemten A new form of settlement support has been introduced. This can be claimed by those who lost or will lose jobs between March 11 and September 30.A person whose gift income does not exceed the net minimum is entitled to 20,000 HUF per month for three months.

Kiskunflegyhzn We will open the playgrounds and the outdoor sports hall from Tuesday. Vros Beach is expected to open on May 29. Until September 1, there is no utility fee for reopened gardens and terraces. Szekszrdon htfn opened its institutions in the city’s sports center in front of associations that can hold events at the door. From 9, the market will also open, where only those over 65 can buy between 8 and 12. Until September 30, you do not have to pay for the use of public space in the room that now opens the terrace.Many rooms have already opened the garden area in the cold, but we are waiting for the guests in a cold and open way.

Eger The terraces of the rooms can be reopened, and in the days we will open the outdoor part of the beach, the stadium, the sports complex in Upper Austria and the Brny pool. Playgrounds will be available again starting Wednesday, and the outdoor part of the Dob Istvn Vrmzeum will also be open from Saturday. Gyngysn You can also visit outdoor sports facilities and playgrounds, and you can also open the terraces of the restaurants.Transportation in the city will not resume at this time.

Kaposvr The face mask intermission was completed and the government provided two such devices to all households. They are working to re-channel the local economy, asking for business suggestions. On local buses, the pickup board is available again to verify that passengers cover their mouths and noses. Again, tickets can be purchased from drivers who have received protective gear. nagykanizsaIn Dorottya Kanizsa Krhz, all forms of resumption of medical care can be used by commitment. You must arrive at least 15 minutes before the scheduled date, as everyone in the emergency department must participate.

IllusztrciFot: Koncz Mrton – Origo

Sopron Playgrounds can be visited again from the cold while keeping your distance. Pcsen From Tuesday from 9 a.m. M. A 11 a. M., The market is open for over 65s. The central hall open space will be open from 5 am to 3 pm on Wednesday, then business hours will be extended from 11 am to 11 noon and the interiors will also open;it can have up to several characters at once.Starting Tuesday, playgrounds and parks can also be used, but masks are recommended.Szigetvron The closure of the playgrounds and the sports pool will not dissolve this week, nor the blood and the blood.

At various locations in Bks County, the exterior parts of the rooms have been reopened at various locations, and several guests plan to open in the cold. Gyula No utility fee is paid for the public garden and terrace in the public area until September. The htftl Gyuln s playgrounds Bkscsabn children can use it again.

Balassagyarmat The use of playgrounds, sports parks and sports clubs by non-associations is prohibited up to 18 mg. We will discuss how the infection situation will develop in the next two weeks, and decide on additional relief. The beach is expected to open June 20.

Htftl again balatoni komp, but no longer every 40 minutes, but only for us, Szntd runs between 7 and 19, and Tihany between 7.15 and 19.15. The beaches remain closed in many settlements on Lake Balaton, but there are places where you can approach the beach outdoors in the public park out of season.

For now, higher education will remain in the field

At the moment, most rural higher education institutions keep distance education orderly due to coronary heart disease, but let’s examine the possibilities of education in both education and testing. Visitors to higher education institutions may decide to visit students, but visits to universities are still prohibited.

Gelencsr Andrs, a Pannonia University The rector stated that since the cocks could not return to the university, the previous order of education at the university would not be restored for the time being, distance education would continue. As he said, they are looking at the possibility of how we can take the exams separately, but at the same time they plan to take the exams in person.

the PC University (PTE) examines testing possibilities in education and tests on Tuesday, and then makes a proposal to the rector on the measures in consultation with the faculties and the student government, the institute said.State exams at the University of Pécs must be done in person, if the department press justifies it. In these health tests, the maximum distance is maintained and hygiene rules are strictly followed.

Pcsi University PTE SZKK Virolgia Laboratory has a protective equipment workerSource: Szabolcs Csortos / UnivPcs

the Miskolc university The Chancellor decided that training would continue during this due diligence period and during the examination period, and that evaluators would be sent htfn, the Chancellor’s office said.

the Gl Ferenc Fiskola In all the sites of Karn and Kpzsi (Szeged, Gyuln, Bkscsab, Szarvas and Budapest) the order of previous education introduced in March remains, Students cannot attend institutions until the end of the second study period. Exams can be done on the institution’s website as a possibility to take them in person.

the At the University of Debrecen – according to the previous communication between the Rector and the Chancellor – the training is still done digitally, but

Students can only study for educational purposes or visit the library. Universities closed in the past will remain closed during the course of study, but it will be possible to accommodate students participating in exams and internships at universities that meet the practical obligations of medical students, foreign students and Hungarian students from abroad.

In Vidken, public saints are celebrated again in most churches

In the field, public churches are re-celebrated in most churches, subject to strict regulations. However, in the dioceses of Esztergom-Budapest, Eger Fegyhzmegy and Szkesfehrvri, as well as in the diocese of Vci in the Pest county area.

The government decree in Budapest and Pest County allows religious ceremonies to be held in the field, but also the maintenance of ceremonies in ceremonies. The Hungarian Catholic Conference Pspki previously announced that public ceremonies would be decided by the public.

In accordance with the provisions sent to MTI, on the Hungarian Kurr portal and on the church websitePublic churches are re-celebrated in most churches, generally on Sundays and holidays. At the same time, it is important that the heaters are kept within two feet of each other, wear a mask, simply step in and avoid all forms of direct contact. The sacrament is still loose and is placed unoccupied at the entrance of the church.
Some pspkk krik, others seek to stay away from people over 65.In churches where it is not possible to maintain regular contamination or maintain heat between heaters, nothing is still allowed in public.

Most diocesan advisers recommend holding an outdoor event, except in the Diocese of Vci, where holding an outdoor event outside of Pest County is prohibited.

According to the government decree, it applies to Budapest and Pest County, and the restrictions remain in effect. Throughout the area of ​​the Diocese of Esztergom-Budapest and the Diocese of Szkesfehrvr, and the Diocese of Vci, the Pspkk will continue to prohibit public access only in Pest County.

Erd Pter, winemaker, Esztergom-Budapest and Antal Spnyi, also said that he did not want to make a difference among others in the church. Antal Spnyi also states in the justification that Budapest and Pest County after Fejr County have the highest number of infected people, and that theThe diocese wants to avoid the increase in the phenomenon of mass tourism from other churches or other places, as this would be a serious source of legal danger for the local community and would cause tension for the local population.Csaba Ternyk of Eger also decided to maintain the public ban on the sacrament.

Budapest people cannot travel to the countryside

As we understood at the end of the day, according to the Governor of Alexandra Szentkirly, the people of Budapest can only travel to the countryside for various reasons. He said that in the case of the residents of Budapest and Pest County, he would not be able to travel to the countryside and continue his “free time” there, except that he could not sleep there.
