Index – Domestic – Opposition: government production report on how many million protective equipment come


The pandemic continues to shape public political discourse and our daily lives, Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó said ahead of the agenda in parliament on Monday. The politician says there is an ongoing debate on easing measures, but they are all trying to strike a balance between health protection and economic restart.

Nothing will be as global in economic terms after the epidemic as it was before

Szijjrtó said. Over the past week, 32 aircraft from China and 10 trucks from various European airports have received protective equipment, including:

  • Last week 17,000,506,000 masks arrived, another 69,000 are expected, leaving almost 100 million of them in the country;
  • 620 fans arrived;
  • 526,000 virus tests arrived last week, with a total of 2.5 million;
  • 16 million gloves and insulating jackets arrived, their number reached the 56 million everybody;
  • 850 thousand medications were also received.

According to Szijjártó, all Chinese protective equipment meets the standards and can be used for virus protection. Deliveries will continue this week, the minister concluded his speech.

Opposition: this is a production report

Gergely Arató (DK) first responded to Szijjártó’s speech. The politician still sees it as an unnecessary risk that they are graduating now, he thinks it is a “reconsidered, unnecessary” movement, but now he is putting pressure on the graduates.

He responded to the main tests that started on Monday saying it is very correct to start now, but the legal implementation is “nimble and dumb.” The politician is waiting for the answer to these questions: what is the logic to maintain the restrictions in Pest county, but not in Fejér county, which is also in a serious situation? Why can’t the people of Budapest go to the countryside if, in the meantime, the people of the countryside can come to Pest? Harvester said the government had a problem with Semmelweis University, which examined the masks and said they were not good.

László Keresztes Lóránt (LMP) also does not understand the connection between the fact that the peak of the epidemic was predicted for May 3, but the relaxation will begin a day later.

In his speech, László György Lukács (Jobbik) said that the posters should not be delivered in all cities, but the masks that should be used on public transport and in stores.

“But make a subdivision in the production report” how many masks cannot be used in medical care

Luke replied that the equipment that arrived on the planes was written not for medical use. He is also waiting for an answer as to why Human Resources Minister Miklós Kásler is only giving hospitals three days to prepare for the reopening, after closing them earlier.

Tímea Szabó (Dialogue) accused Viktor Orbán of not coming to give a pre-agenda speech 42 days ago, he only uploaded half-minute videos to Facebook. Then he talked about why they didn’t distribute masks to graduates, for example, Klik won’t be able to give it to everyone.

According to Bertalan Tóth (MSZP), muggers and explorers need to pay more attention, but they expect an answer on what “the hundreds of billions of forints” consist of: how much they bought masks and gloves, as they buy them with public money.
