Thus, his old company says goodbye to István Szilágyi


Throat obstruction commemoration: this is how your old company says goodbye to István Szilágyi

István Szilágyi, who was found dead on Sunday, was also commemorated by his former company, the Győr National Theater. The theater considers the award-winning artist Győr National Kisfaludy Lifetime Achievement Award to be his own dead, who also received the Pro Urbe award from the city of Győr.

Szilágyi, who played the role of Gáspár Lópici in the television series Hard Hat and Potatoes, graduated from the Faculty of Theater and Film Arts in 1961 and signed a contract with the Géza Gárdonyi Theater in Eger. Later, from 1995 to 2016, he was an actor at the Győr Theater.

“It caught fire once, ‘Pityi, you’re burning!'” We roared on the cover. he almost died of an indulgence.

Then we met on the set of a jury film. He played a locker. Almost silent paper. Statisztált.

“Why are you doing this, Pityi?” Asked.

– Don’t joke, it’s an important role. He is the informant.

This is how he became the busiest actor in Hungarian cinema.

Here in Győr, there are countless gatherings on stage and at the buffet … The most memorable one for me is the Forester of the Corporal. Small paper The point is to fear / save your child. She leaves the stage, repeating her son’s name, crying.

It was a sore throat.

It was a lamb, I say. Sacrificial Lamb “

– actor István Maszlay wrote on behalf of the Győr company. The complete memory You can read it here.

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