Index – Domestic – Müller: the number of deaths around ten per day is stabilizing


We have entered a new phase of defense, but the epidemic still continues, Cecília Müller, national medical director, began Monday’s press conference for the operating tribe. In this situation, more caution is needed, so more detailed data on territorial disparities will be provided, thus reviewing the government information page.

He then reiterated the data Monday morning that the number of infections identified in the country had increased to 3,035, of which 2,054 are active patients. Another 11 elderly patients died, bringing the death toll to 351 and 630 upon leaving the hospital after recovery. 63 percent of infected assets, 79 percent of those killed, and 51 percent of those recovered were from Budapest or Pest County. 1,027 coronavirus patients are hospitalized, 55 of whom are on ventilators.

Those who leave the institutions with a negative result are called recovered, they have no symptoms, but also those who have passed the fourteen-day home quarantine asymptomatically, explained the national medical director. No one falls out of the care system, they know of all the positive cases, according to Müller, and the dead are also on the government side. The deceased around 10 a day seems “to appear to be stabilizing,” he added. The numbers are in balance, according to Müller.

You can watch the live press conference of operational staff here, if you scroll further the article will continue.

More steps are being taken today, urging us to monitor the changes in numbers even more closely and detect intervention as soon as necessary, he said.

Medical care is gradually restarting, these are extremely cautious steps, according to Müller, but all the data shows that we are in a balanced position, so there is a chance of reopening. Emergency care will not change. General practitioners, pediatricians, nurses, dentists, outpatient exams, day care cases, transplant and rehabilitation interventions, and regulations for private, non-publicly funded care will change from today.

This, in turn, does not mean, according to Müller, that life will return to its pre-epidemic state, it will only begin the expansion of care.

He reiterated that he had to consult the GP by phone because there could only be four people in the office at a time, so he could only see the doctor at a previously agreed time.

Lt. Col. Róbert Kiss recalled that access restrictions were still valid for Budapest and Pest County, but that life in the countryside is slowly starting again. Then he provided data:

  • In 4,677 cases, the curfew was violated over the long weekend, of which 1,319 were fines in place and 1,066 were reported. The total number of police actions in this exceeded 45 thousand.
  • In 315 cases, criminal proceedings were initiated, of which 83 for spreading terror news.
  • Also in Tompa, Röszke, Kőszeg and Csanádpalota there is a waiting time of several hours.

Answers to press questions:

  • The visitation ban remains in health care facilities, and there are no changes in the father’s birth: if the father is certified health and hospital conditions are in place, the father can also enter. (Southern United States)
  • Retirement homes are not even accessible, there is no change in that either. Müller still doesn’t see when they can change that. Older people are still the most vulnerable. (Northern Hungary, Heves County Newspaper)
  • Limited store hours do not apply to hairdressers and beauticians. (Transdanubia Journal)
  • You must register with your GP by phone. If a personal appearance is not necessary for the doctor, the doctor will issue the certificate, the prescriptions. If a personal examination is required, the patient can go to a specific date, which is agreed in advance. (Somogyi Hírlap)
  • Everyone is forced to cover their mouths on public transport and in stores. It is not compulsory for mail and taxi drivers, but it is justified. (Origo)
  • On the epidemic peak: The numbers are encouraging, but they also warn of caution, Müller said. The epidemic is not over, but the situation appears to be stagnant. The reproduction rate fell significantly below 1. The transfer is not the same every day, but it becomes less day by day. (Origo)
  • Everyone should be kept at a distance of one and a half meters from the other person if possible, this should be understood by table company on the terraces of the restaurants. There are no restrictive measures so that only those in a household can sit at a table. (Riposo)
  • The number of people who can be seen in one hour is also limited, Müller spoke again about consultations with GPs. (Pest Boys)
  • Müller said of the Kamaraerdei nursing home, where 33 caregivers and 9 caregivers became infected. Currently, the virus has spread to 30 homes, affecting both caregivers and caregivers. A total of 79 people died in nursing homes. (M1, HVG)
  • Müller ordered a chief medical examination of a deceased Tatabánya hospital employee to determine whether the wife’s claim that her husband did not have an underlying disease was true. He cannot yet provide information on this, the national medical director said. (RTL)
  • A person who has been in the hospital but has a negative result is declared healed. In addition, one who asymptomatically downloaded his fourteen-day home quarantine. (RTL)
  • The next two weeks will hindsight test whether the culmination really happened now. (RTL)
  • According to Müller, one of the most difficult questions is whether grandchildren can see grandparents. The national medical chief warned caution, but said those who live in the countryside can see each other, just keep their distance, don’t hug each other, for now, only the eyes should admire the grandchildren. (HVG)

The Index addressed two questions to operational staff on Monday, to which we did not receive a response:

  • Does the event ban apply to kids’ camps until August 15?
  • What justifies the restrictions only in Pest County, when the proportion of the population is higher in various counties?

(Cover image: Müller Cecília at Monday’s press conference for operational personnel.)
