Index – National – The most important news about the coronavirus on Monday


Despite low gas demand, LNG imports are constantly reaching Europe, and stock prices are below the fall low. The fall in oil prices also plays a role in this, since an important part of gas prices is linked to oil prices. However, restricting oil production, along with oil, is an assumption that will also carry some of the accompanying gas production, so that the oversupply in the gas market will decrease as the economy gradually recovers .

In our series of articles, we review how the epidemic erupted in the oil, natural gas and petrochemical markets. The article on the oil market shows that oil prices have started to fall on a historical scale on a historical scale, and the demand for oil has not plummeted in such a short time before. The situation was further aggravated by the fact that the oil cartel reacted late to the decrease in demand, but the technological limitations for extraction did not allow flexible adaptation either.
