Index – Abroad – New Zealand has had no new infections for the first time since mid-March


For the first time in New Zealand, no new infections have been reported since March 16, health director Ashley Bloomfield said Monday.

In the archipelago, strict restrictions were lifted in just a week, which apparently successfully slowed the spread of the epidemic. In this context, Bloomfield emphasized at this press conference that this is a reason to celebrate. He also noted that the number of deaths from Covid-19 disease did not change, leaving twenty.

“It shows the contribution of all of us,” said Bloomfield. “This is the first day that there is no new case and we want it to continue like this.”

In New Zealand, restrictions began to be relaxed on Tuesday last week, which means that some 400,000 people were able to return to work, some shops and schools were opened.

Online retailing has started again. Customers can order and pay online, but cannot enter the store.

At the same time, many limitations remain, and many still work remotely or study remotely.

Bloomfield cautioned that distance rules must also be followed to ensure that the epidemic does not return to a country of nearly five million people, where 1,137 people are currently registered.

“The actual test of things will be later in the week, taking into account the incubation time for the virus and the time it takes for some people to develop symptoms, which is generally five to six days after infection,” he said. .

Foreign Secretary Winston Peters on Monday endorsed the idea of ​​a so-called trans-Taman bubble that would ensure passenger traffic between New Zealand and Australia.

In neighboring Australia, 26 new cases were recorded on Monday, bringing the number of those infected to 6,822, of whom 95 died from the disease.

We have written in detail in this article about how ironically New Zealand but how effectively it fought the epidemic.
