BPM: bullets per minute – firing at a speed


Asgard is in imminent danger, and we must defend him as one of the Valkyries. However, we do this not on horseback and with a spear, but with a machine gun trap with rock accompaniment in the background.

BPM: Bullets Per Minute was inspired by the action games of the 90s. Awe Interactive tries to launch the shot from the inside with roguelike elements and rhythmic play; we have to adjust each of our movements, jumps and shots to the rhythm of rock music.

In BPM, we play a Valkyrie that protects Asgard from attacking monsters and his enemy, Nidhogg. We fight in randomly generated levels, and the acquisition of our skills and weapons also depends on luck, so each turn is different. You have to fight seven smaller bosses to reach the last one, and each one has its own culture of movement that is worth learning to defeat them. We ourselves can choose between five characters with different abilities.

BPM is coming to PCs in August 2020 and consoles will launch in winter – the Xbox One look is safe so far, but Sony is also in talks with the PlayStation 4 version.

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