Now you can get three games at once for free


Due to the coronavirus epidemic, we spend a lot of time between the four walls, both for children and adults, and that’s when it is really good to be able to tie ourselves to something. A variety of video games can help with this, three of which are now available for free courtesy of Ubisoft. the Assassin’s Creed 2a Rayman Legends and a Child of light It had previously been available for free for a few days, but the French publisher has now made all three programs available again for a few days.

the Assassin’s Creed While the second part is more recommended for adult players, it is also a genre of platforms Child of light and a Rayman Legends children can also sit in front of them, and in the case of the latter, it is even possible to complete the tracks by directing two characters at the same time.

To get all three games, all you have to do is visit the Uplay digital store website, register (if you don’t already have one), request the programs at this link, which will be in our own list of games after downloading the client program, if until we do, the games in question can be re-downloaded and played at any time.
