Index – Culture – Actor István Szilágyi could have been killed by his own son


At the age of 82, actor István Szilágyi lost his life, and after his best-known role, he was mentioned mainly as Gáspár Lópici. According to the Budapest police headquarters, on Sunday morning at 7:34 a.m., they were notified that the seventeenth. district in a family home, a man abuses his father. Police arrested the abuser, St. Peter, 49, at the scene, then conducted an inspection and found that the man’s death was caused by alienation, meaning there must have been a murder.

Police initiated proceedings against San Pedro on suspicion of murder.

István Szilágyi has been seen in many roles, from Mister Sipos of the Bors series to the leech man of the house of bacteria Indul, but most of them are known as Gáspár the Hard Hat and Krumpliorr Lópici.

The popular character actor began his career on stage: after graduating from the Faculty of Theater and Film in 1961, he was hired for the Géza Gárdonyi Theater in Eger. This was followed by the literary stage, the happy stage, the national theater of Pécs and the theater of comedy. He first appeared on camera in the 1959 film Skylight, and in 1968 he became popular nationally after shaping a character named Mr. Pepper in the Bors series. He had his greatest success in the 1974 television series Hard Hat and Fries for his role as Lopici glue poster.

In the 90s, it was also a promotional brand for the Lottery, usually a large amount of cash to make it an incredibly happy owner. From 1998 he was a member of the Győr National Theater until his retirement in 2016.

The actor lived in very poor condition, his health also deteriorated, in 2017 a cataract was removed from his left eye.

They operated on my left eye, I could barely see it. But I’m fine!

He said to Bors at the time. The band Aurora organized a collection for the actor in 2017, from which three million forints were received. István Szilágyi has previously appeared in several videos of the band.

His wife is the sculptor Jolán Humenyánszky. Her son is cameraman Péter Szilágyi, who has had a bad relationship with his father since 2016, and was beaten in court in 2017. In the second instance, he was sentenced to 2 years, suspended for a probationary period of 3 years, for serious bodily harm that caused injuries that healed over eight days.

(Cover image: Lajos Soós / MTI)

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