750 have died IV. Bla, the second base of operations


He died on July 3, 1270, IV. The Hungarian king of Bla rpd, who brought the country almost completely destroyed after the Tatras.

II. Andrs’ oldest son was born in November 1206. Everything was cold when his mother, Gertrudis, became the victim of an assassination attempt (this incident was prosecuted by Jnsef Katona Bnk bn cm drmja). At the age of eighty, a younger king was crowned, bringing him to the center of power. Her father’s enemies tried to use against the weak king. Slavonia was handed over to Slavonia, and from 1226 to Erdly’s government, Bla, who had the nll court, had a kingdom in these areas. In 1220, he married his wife Mrit Laszkarisz, the wife of Nikaia, with whom his father remarried him on a crusade at home, and a son was born from the marriage.

IV. Bla brzolsa in Kpes Krnik.Forrs: https://mult-kor.hu/apja-es-fia-tevekenysege-is-arnyekot-vetett-iv-bela-uralkodoi-trekveseire-20190503

Bla’s relationship with his extremely ambitious father quickly deteriorated and the conflict lasted for the last decade of Andrs’ reign.

The trnrks opposed the transfer of royal property, the transfer of the Jews, and the ruling muscular elite,

He was considered for royal power and considerable strength. During Erdlyi’s reign, the Cumans began publishing and in 1235 they sent Julianus to Magna Hungaria, the Hungarians who remained in the east to search for a home.

For the second time, the people of Esztergom put the Holy Crown on their heads.

II. After Andrs Halla, on October 14, 1235, he was crowned a second time, after which he was defeated by his father’s confidants, embarked on the recovery of “unreasonable” donations, and prohibited symbolic action to allow the Worldly dignities were present in the presence of the king. With that, he turned the crooked holes against himself, even though he would soon have needed support.

Julianus bart, who finds the Hungarians who remained in the east, returned home from the 2nd century in 1237 with the destruction of Magna Hungarit by the Mongols and brought a threatening letter to Batu.

Julian Bart took over Magna Hungri to bring the Mongol Empire to EuropeForrs: Wikimedia Commons

In 1239, Bla allowed Prince Ktny Kun, who had been defeated by the Mongols, to move to Hungary during the day, relying on the help of the Kuns, who knew the Mongolian fighting style. Although the Cumans were baptized, they soon clashed with the Hungarians because of their nomdism, and Bla became more insignificant.

The Mongols moved westward, unconscious and unstoppable. In a letter sent to Bart, Bartian sent Hungary to war, but IV. Bla only took the threat seriously when the Mongols approached the Krptok.Forrs: Wikimedia Commons

The Mongols occupied Kiev in December 1240, then turned against Hungary, and on March 12, 1241, the Batu knight-led army defeated the Thousand Soldiers of the Vereckei-hgt vd Dnes ndor with ease.

The Kirly army in the battle of Muhi suffers a tragic defeat

IV. Bla error wore the red sword, his army only flew slowly in Pest. When the first Mongolian Mobian troops appeared, the mood turned against the Cumans who thought they were allies. Ktny was confronted by the Sun Pest, and the Cumans marched amid their agony. On April 11, 1241, the seed left Bla suffered a defeat at the battle of muhi along the Saj, but he defended himself as a defense of fidelity and fled to Bcs, where II. Prince Frederick captured and plundered him, and finally found refuge in the city of Trau (Trogir) in Dalmatia.

That the Lord: IV. Bla meneklse, 1882. (Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest).Forrs: http://than.rs/thanmor-tortenelmi-muvek.html

The Mongols rebelled the defenseless country, only the fortresses could resist them. In the spring of 1242, they withdrew unexpectedly, probably because of their great ambassadors, but perhaps also because of their traditional tactics: the final cooldown took place only after a second war.

IV. Blt is rescued from the muhi buckle – from Kpes KrnikForrs: Wikimedia Commons

The devastation was inconceivable, a quarter of the population was the victim of fighting, rights and violence, and a Western Krniks said: “Hungary, which had existed for seventy years, was destroyed by an army of Tatras.”

Repatriation of the ruined country and a change of policy in anticipation of the expected Mongol settlement.

He tried to reach an agreement with the nobles, began donating property, and in return was able to resist the Mongols (the Buddha himself, his wife Visegrd vrtst). Ersteni tried to reduce the difficulty of the time, and in 1247 he remembered the Cumans, who had settled in the other area of ​​Kis Nagykunsg.

Hit the golden bull, jjpt the country

Instead of property, an increasing share of his income was provided by regulations (income collected in the Kirlyi Supreme Court), he sought to create a stable financial system. He supported the development of the cities and invited foreign settlers to the decimated state.

The hanging pin of the Golden Bull, ellapjn II. Andrs Kirly with relief portraitForrs: Wikimedia Commons

He proclaimed the Golden Bull, issued by his father in 1222, in 1267, revealing the noble status of royal servants, despising the foundations of the noble county. The Dominican order established a monastery on Nyulak Island in Buda (present-day Margarita Island), where Santa Margarita also lived.

Bertalan Szkely: Saint Margaret in the Zrdba (mural in the church in Pcs)Source: Digitlis Kparchvum – http://dka.oszk.hu – DKA-086846 / http: //dka.oszk.hu/html/allando/copyright.htm/Szkely, Bertalan

He tried to claim the territories occupied by the Austrian prince from a strong country for several days. Although Frederick won the battle along the Lajta in 1246, he remained dead on the battlefield, extinguishing the Babenberg dynasty.

Rksgrt rivals Bla s II. Ottokr, the Czech king, was divided into Frederick’s estate in 1254, under the rule of Blair of Styria, who made István the government. Stjer’s orders revolted against Hungarian rule in 1260 and were conquered by Ottokr, who defeated Bla’s armies.

Trnkvetel’s father was armed.

István, who was expelled from Styria, started with a weapon against his father in 1262, but was beaten in Bratislava. The country was divided into two parts,

the eastern part gets Istvn to officially collect the youngest kmetly kmet.

In 1264 an armed struggle broke out between them, and Bla was defeated at the Battle of Isaszeg in 1265. They are still open, but only IV. On May 3, 1270, the hall was closed.

Today’s memorial church stands near the medieval Franciscan church, which has not been built. IV. Bla kirly srverse: “Aspice rem charam tres cingunt Virginis aram Rex, dux, regina quibus adsint gaudia trina. Dum licuit, tua dum viguit rex Bela potestas Fraus latuit, pax firma fuit, regnavit honest”Source: https://www.esztergomi-ersekseg.hu/plebaniak/esztergom-ferences-szent-anna-templomigazgatosag-2206

The “second state fund” was buried in the Franciscan church of Esztergom, whose location is not known due to the storms of history, only the Bla Latin verse survives.

(Source: MTVA Sajtadatbank)

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