Starting Monday, there will be closed sporting events without spectators across the country.


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The measures related to sporting events and training are in force as of Monday: according to the decree, sporting events can be held without spectators in closed conditions throughout Hungary, or participation in training organized by sports associations and amateur sports is allowed, leisure sports and mass sports. Responsible Secretary of State.

Tünde Szabó said that according to the regulation, organized and non-competitive events can be held, that is, leisure and student sports events, if the organizers can guarantee that they are held indoors, in closed facilities or in an area that can be closed to spectators. the line and the spectators cannot enter. Therefore, organized sporting events cannot be held in public places where there is no possibility of excluding spectators (such as running on the street or riding a bicycle).

The regulation prohibits participation in sporting events only by spectators, other participants (in addition to athletes, sports professionals such as coaches, team leaders, coaches, competition judges, sports health professionals and doping controllers, security personnel and sports facilities, and the press). representatives) may be there.

The individual national sports federations have the right to decide on the restart of the Hungarian competition systems, championships and cup series, within their framework and form.

Viktor Orbán plays soccer in New Jersey on October 10, 1998.Photo: Michael J. Treola / AP

Meanwhile, the Secretary of State said that, in addition to the existing prohibitions and restrictions related to the emergency, they must comply with the decisions and recommendations of the International Sports Federation, the National Institute of Sports Health and the National Center for Public Health, protocols to operate sports facilities and also prescribed by the owners and operators of sports facilities. (MTI)

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