Coronavirus: the number of deaths in Italy has increased again


The last time such a high number of deaths was reported was in Italy on April 27, with 269 cases yesterday.

The sharp increase in deaths has followed a gradual downward trend in the recent period, with the current value largely due to Lombardy, the most severely affected area in the country, with 329 deaths in the past 24 hours, compared to 88 the previous day.

The number of new infections remained stable in the last 3 days, with 1,900 registered on Saturday and 1,965 on Friday.

Starting on May 4, life will gradually resume in Italy, which has been in national quarantine since March 11. As a first step, non-vital factories and construction sites will be relaunched, it will be mandatory to wear a face mask and gloves on public transport and ease access restrictions, you will still be able to remain on the streets only if justified, but they will also be allowed family and jogging away from home.
