Again, the death toll in Italy approached five hundred.


It jumped again, increasing the number of deaths from the coronavirus epidemic in Italy in a single day by 474, to 28,710, the Italian civil protection authority said Saturday night. The number of active infections dropped by more than two hundred in one day.

The death toll has increased by more than two hundred compared to the previous 269. In the past two days, for the first time since March 15, the death toll has dropped below three hundred per day.

The number of active infections decreased by 239 after 608 on Friday. The number of patients currently registered is 100,704, of which more than 17,000 are treated in hospitals, 1,539 patients in the intensive care unit. In the second half of March, the number of patients doubled sharply.

The number of healers exceeded 79,000. Including the cured and the dead, the number of diagnosed infections is 209,328.

Starting on May 4, life will gradually resume in Italy, which has been in national quarantine since March 11. As a first step, non-vital factories and construction sites are relaunched among strict precautions. More than 4.4 million Italians have returned to work, most of them over the age of fifty, and most of them live in the industrialized provinces of northern Italy. It is mandatory to wear a face mask and gloves on public transport. They also ease access restrictions: You can still stay on the streets only when warranted, but you’ll also be allowed to visit family members and run away from home. Movement between cities and provinces is not yet allowed.

Domenico Arcuri The epidemiologist said Monday that a period of “coexistence with the epidemic” will begin, in which freedom of movement must be reconciled with the maintenance of health.

Luca Zaia, the Governor of Veneto in Northeast Italy, called on the people of the province to emphasize that it was now his turn to demonstrate that they could observe precautions in everyday life.
