Kim Jongun’s mysterious disappearance


For weeks, news and various explanations appear about the mysterious disappearance of the Kim Jongun dictatorship in North Korea. Some have said he has a serious illness, while others say he is not on the public list due to coronary heart disease, but he is also known to have died.

Mg Prilis on the 30th also told the head of the Taiwan National Security Agency (NSB), Jiu Kuo-cheng, that Kim Jongun was ill. Chiu made this statement at a parliamentary hearing when Taiwanese politicians asked about Kim Jongun’s possible illness.

The NSB chief said he had information about the situation in Korea, but could only speak of “closed doors” as it could easily jeopardize his resources.

Kim Jongun, the Korean first secretary of the Korean Workforce, the first chairman of the National Defense Commission (j2), will open a conference in Suncheon, near Pyongyang, on January 1, 2020.Source: MTI / AP / KCNA / Korea News Service / –

On the other hand, the Democratic State of Korea reported on Saturday that Kim Jongun, the dictator of the communist country, appeared in public on the first day of the inauguration of a military center. The photos of ceremnirl appeared in the newspaper llamprt – Korean Workplace – Rodong Sinmun cm.

Source: MTI / EPA / KCNA / –

According to the teachings in the photos, the dictator cut the inaugural ribbon himself, and the workers grew up with enthusiasm and attended the ceremony, including Kim Jo Jong.

Source: MTI / EPA / KCNA / –

While South Korea is trying to convince the world that there is nothing wrong with its leaders, the same day, May 1, a South Korean parliamentary representative, Ji Seong-ho, said he could state with 99% of certainty that Kim is dead and the hallhrt will be announced soon. Ji Seong-ho said in a statement that Kim Jongun had fallen into his heart, which could have been a bad success.

Speculation about Kim Hall has popped up in the past. The director of a Hong Kong television channel shared on Twitter that she could trust certain sources to discover that Kim Jongun was dead. This post appeared on the community platform in the middle of the year and entered the world through Japan.


Questions and hearings on the state of health in Korea and Korea began after the central commemoration of the foundation’s grandfather, Kim Ir Sen, which did not appear on April 15, although it is the largest holiday in Korea and Korea.

North Korea sent an official report to the South Korean government after the ceremony, assuring everyone that Kim Jongun was well and healthy.

However, there may be an interesting duality in South Korean communication. South Korea’s media almost certainly shows that Kim is ill and government officials say Kim Jongun is healthy. South Korean Foreign Minister Kim Jn Csul, who has been in charge of relations with Korea, has called on the parliamentary committee to dismiss the unconfirmed report on Korean-Korean leadership.

We have Serbian information that allows us to confidently say that there are no unusual signs (in Koreb), he said.

Korea, Kim Ir Sen set 100 turns v, parade, partySource: AFP / Pedro Ugarte

Credit information on Korea is difficult to obtain, mainly because it is the most isolated country. And whoever says more than what was published in the official gaze puts at stake not only the cheese but also his family.

However, world cheese has also drawn attention to several suspicious signs in recent weeks, on the basis of which it can be rightly assumed that something is wrong with Kim Jongun krl. Specialists in the Korean-Korean world had so much information in the past that Kim Jongun fell into his heart.

The “szvmtt teria” Mr. Prilis 21. ta circulates in international cheese. In addition, it was reported that, according to information from high-ranking political teams (knai), a systemic intervention (placing of crowns) was carried out on the dictator. A Japanese sheet also confirmed that insertion of a medical device (stent) had failed in the meantime, so Kim is in a vegetative state.

Assumptions regarding the operation were reinforced by reports that Kna dispatched health experts, doctors and government officials to Pyongyang on April 25. The mission was led by a senior member of the Knai Communist Prt International Relations Department.

This type of aid could also be used to combat coronary artery disease, but no infected person is officially monitored in the country.

Kim JongunSource: AFP / KCNA / Kns

Kim Jongun is in poor health. It is known to be highly smoked, consume a lot of alcohol, and have a significant risk factor.

Kimji Fujimoto, a former member of Kim’s family, previously told the cheese investigation that Kim boasted that he drank 10 vegetables in one night. Fujimoto also talked about other horrors about Kim’s adventures, but health is worth knowing. that usually the dinner chest always means a significant amount of wine or champagne.

These facts are especially important because Kim Jongun is diabetic and has high blood pressure. The procedure greatly increases the risk of stroke and heart disease. Radsul Kim’s father and grandfather also died of a heart attack.

His paternal gon not only limited unlimited power, but also the possibility that an attack would one day end.

Kim Jongun’s poor physical condition was also previously reported by FoxNews member Tucker Carlson, who met with the communist dictator when he attended the ceremony in which Donald Trump, the first president of the United States, traveled to Korea. Tucker said he had told him that Kim did not look like a healthy person, but rather someone with some kind of illness, breathing panting like someone with tdtgulata.

An urgent series of satellites was used to find Kim Jongun’s special iron set, which he uses solely and exclusively. The communist dictator does not trust planes, so he travels almost everywhere on cheese trains. Often outside.

The train in question was found in a part of South West Korea, Wonsan. Although the train finds nothing in itself about Kim’s state of health or exactly where he is, it confirms the previous assumptions that he may have traveled to the field.

Full separation may be justified in the case of Kim Jongun. If it has been measured, diabetics may take longer to get up, and coronary artery disease can be extremely dangerous.

However, in addition to the assumptions listed, there were much simpler explanations for Kim Jongun’s suspected disappearance. Many people say that there was nothing left, they were simply transported to the site because Kim took refuge to avoid coronary infection. It is simply a matter of contracting the virus and dying of its symptoms.

What happens if Kim dies?

From the latter’s point of view, it is not inconceivable that, at the same time as the alleged act, “returned” the younger body to political leadership.

Kim Jongun is supposed to have a child in Chrome – a boy and two children. Fire can be overwhelming, so you cannot take power under any circumstances. You can assume, therefore, that you will lead the country to a body that will not return to power until Kim’s son reaches the age to take his father’s place in the communist state.
