Habits for a long and happy relationship: woman and man


Love or affection alone is not enough to make a long-term relationship happy. A balanced relationship, maintaining attachment, softening conflict requires work, effort, and care on both sides.

Experts have long been looking for what can be a lasting and happy relationship the key. Several surveys have been conducted on the subject that can help couples know what to expect. Exeter University lasts a decade exam He stressed that there are habits that contribute to lasting love.

Research: habits of happy couples

A total of 55 couples participated in the project, and 45 of them were asked detailed questions about their relationship four times in ten years. After a thorough analysis, comparison, and summary, the group was able to identify some habits that they believe are key to a happy relationship.

happy couple

Photo: YakobchukOlena / Getty Images Hungary

Team spirit and friendship

The study found that couples who are most likely to resist the passage of time are those who can see themselves as a team in stressful situations. In a difficult situation or during a conflict, it is better not to look at the interests of individuals but rather their interests and thus find the most optimal solution.

It is also customary for persistent lovers to look at each other not only as a couple but also as friends over the years. They can have fun together, have fun in each other’s company and regularly run joint programs that make their relationship even closer.

Advance planning, realistic expectations.

Happy couples always have more or less common plans for the future. They discuss what they want, make decisions about their lives together, and experience the joy of waiting and realizing together. The researchers suggest that you talk about annual projects: whether it’s for vacations, moving, renovating the house, or whatever they both get out of their parts. Whatever it is, it will help strengthen your attachment.

The article continues after the recommended one.

Many make the mistake of setting unrealistic expectations for their partners. Because the other cannot fulfill these, they become frustrated, angry, or disappointed. To avoid this, try to stay on the ground of reality, even in the most difficult situations.

Take care of the other and focus on the positive

Over the years, couples often forget how important it is to regularly show each other that they care and care about each other, and this is essential to a happy relationship. Spending a lot of time together gives you an opportunity to do so, so try to take advantage of it. You don’t have to think about big things, it’s enough to show with a little attention how much they love each other.

Lovers who have lived together for a long time also have a habit of trying to focus on their partner’s best qualities and seeing their positive side even in the most troublesome situations. Improve feelings, resolve conflicts and avoid drift.

Flexibility and commitment

Flexibility is an important feature of long-term happy holidays. They adapt to different situations and to the needs of the other variable. This will help them overcome problems and turn to each other with patience and understanding. According to the research leader, this is even more important now, in times of quarantine and coronavirus.

In the study, couples committed to their partner and family had the strongest relationship. It is important that you also bring this to the attention of the other on a regular basis and try to resolve difficulties so that your loves are not harmed.

Open and honest communication and external support

Not surprisingly, this research has also shown that one of the most important components of a happy relationship is honest and open communication. Balanced couples talk not only about positive but also negative things and even share it with each other when they are anxious, stressed or impatient.

And they pointed out one more thing: Parties that have been in love for a long time often also ask for outside help and advice about their relationship. Sometimes it is good to ask the opinion of a stranger who views problems objectively, so that he can give useful advice. Of course, it’s not about discussing discussions with a third party, it’s just that if you feel like you can’t find a solution, don’t be afraid to turn to someone who wants the best for both of you.

The secrets of love that have lasted more than 75 years.

In addition to D. W. Williams and Willie Williams, there are a few elderly couples who have loved each other for seven or eight decades. Several of them have already revealed what they think is the key to a happy relationship – read the secrets of couples who have been in immense love for over 75 years.

Photos: Getty Images Hungary.
