Government Spokesperson: Buddhas cannot travel to the countryside, especially not sleeping there


Holy king alexandra In a video posted on Facebook, a government spokesperson tried to explain what the new rules in effect as of Monday meant, meaning they would end up in the field, while the curfew would remain in Budapest and Pest County.

The question that matters most now may be whether people in the capital can go, for example, to their rural plots, for example, to Lake Balaton, or to their relatives. The government spokesman replied that there is still a good reason to leave the place of residence.

This exactly means that in the case of residents of Budapest and Pest counties, it is not possible to travel to the countryside and go for a leisurely stroll there, especially you cannot sleep there.

– Szentkirályi explained, adding that the people of Budapest cannot go to the countryside to go to the beach, and they have to choose a destination as close as possible and not very popular for walking, and can only go with those with whom they live in a home. .

It is not advisable to come to Budapest or Pest County as a camp, he added.

She was also asked if the mothers daily flower could be delivered in person to her grandmother. He replied that the tracking restrictions are still in place this weekend, and since the coronavirus is the most dangerous for the elderly, it is worth finding an “alternative way” to greet parents and grandparents. Why, then, the government ordered flower shops everywhere to be open without restrictions, even after 3 p.m. in the country this weekend, has not been disclosed.

Szentkirályi also confirmed that supermarkets and pharmacies can only be visited Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. at 12 noon, which also means that the members of a couple cannot buy together if one is over 65 and the other is not. Municipalities also cannot change this rule.

He also emphasized that events of less than 500 people cannot be held until August 15, although weddings and funerals are no exception, but the lagzi can no longer be held. Rural cinemas, discos and museums cannot open, while municipalities can decide on playgrounds.

Finally, he said those who return home to Hungary to visit their family still await a two-week quarantine, which will only exempt those who come to a factory in Hungary to work from abroad.

Featured image: Government spokeswoman Alexandra Szentkirály is picking tulips in Szőlősgyörök, Somogy County, on April 21, 2020. Photo: MTI / György Varga
