Index – National – Parliament recalled regime change without opposition


Thirty years ago, on May 2, we ended an era

– János Áder said in the formal session of parliament. “Human freedom is not a circumstance but a task,” said Béla Varga, who was only able to return to her country from her emigration abroad in 1990, at the age of 87. “In the same way, many emigrated, many of those who stayed at home fled to internal freedom, without which we could not have reached 1989,” said the president, in commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the first session of the first Parliament freely. chosen one. Áder spoke about the fact that in addition to Mátyás Szűrös and György Szabad, only three people had spoken in parliament on this day 30 years ago, the people who lived there knew it to be true, then it was closed.

Áder recalled that the youngest member of parliament today was not even born at that time, and other members “learned the basic rules of social coexistence even in kindergarten.” The head of state considered it important to emphasize this because he did not understand that many of the systems closed at the time

it was in fact a dictatorship.

Recalling some events, mainly political, of the regime change, Áder recalled:

Freedom is always a task.

According to the President of the Republic, the desire for freedom saved during the regime change brought together the aspirations of our hundreds of years of history 30 years ago. That is why he thanked those who participated in the process, and also thanked Árpád Göncz, József Antall and György Szabad separately: the representatives of the ruling party present applauded the thanks.

We had to fight to make Hungary a Hungarian country again

– said Áder, who said that we had to fight for a country that is free and not an ally of anyone, of any foreign power. In the change of regime there was the historical will to do, the power of the hundreds of previous years, as well as the dictatorship of the previous 40 years. Even after the first free election, the work squad was still behind, he said. According to Áder, it is unique, which began with the round table of the opposition and then was carried out with the work of the first free Parliament, since the framework of a modern rule of law was established with unique solutions of public law.

According to Áder, the last 30 years have passed, and the framework of Parliament then established has stood the test of time:

Hungary is an independent and democratic state governed by the rule of law

Declared, listed separately, in which the country operates freely. However, according to him, it has always been, and continues to be, a commitment to making Hungary a Hungarian and sovereign country. So, according to the head of state, freedom must always be fought, now not against an external force, but against an invisible enemy, against a virus, a pandemic.

In recent weeks, the epidemic not only warned of our fragility, but also demonstrated the importance of national cooperation.

– said Áder, who said that in the midst of the coronavirus epidemic, anxiety and hope fill the daily lives of Hungarians, national cooperation is now needed so that “soon we can return to enjoying the usual freedom”. The head of state stressed that the epidemic will end and that everything will return to the old crisis of the wheel.

Speaker László Kövér said at the beginning of the session that, according to their original plans, members of the National Assembly, established 30 years ago, would have been invited to the commemoration, but because of the epidemic and compliance with epidemiological regulations. They are maintained With a minute of silence, the National Assembly commemorated those who could no longer reach today’s anniversary.

Fat, even before Áder’s speech, spoke of the fact that they, still active members of regime change, are the “sons of peace” who knew the horrors of two totalitarian regimes by telling their parents, but their duty to distinguish between good and evil through recollection and recollection. evil, dictatorship and democracy for future generations.

We have already written that, according to the parliamentary agenda, the commemoration is the closing day of the session that began the previous week, which began at 11 a.m. with a speech by the Head of State and ended with a single vote. After Áder’s speech, the deputies voted on the political statement, one of the presenters was Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.

With the approval of the motion, the National Assembly commemorates the second formation of the first freely elected popular representation in May 1990, reiterating that this date is the beginning of Hungary’s new democracy and constitutional order.

The political declaration was adopted by the Parliament with 126 yes, 1 without votes and without abstentions, since only the politicians of Our Country were present at the ceremony, but Dora Dúró pressed no.

However, the motion signed by Viktor Orbán, László Kövér, Péter Harrach, Máté Kocsis, Lajos Kósa, Mihály Varga, Zsolt Németh and Richárd Hörcsik contains some interesting points, about which you can read more in this article.

The text of the political declaration includes, among other things:

amid the difficulties of the given external and internal historical situation, with the decisions made during the continuation of the regime change It failed to stem the disappointment of a significant sector of society and the renewed aspirations of groups that had previously maintained a communist dictatorship. The era, which can be marked as post-communism and which repeatedly reminds us of the danger of the country collapsing again and becoming externally dependent, ended with the entry into force of the new Fundamental Law on January 1, 2012.

The solemn session of the Chamber ended with the Hymn and then with speeches after the agenda.

The LMP announced at a press conference before the meeting that it considered the formation of the first freely elected Parliament thirty years ago after the regime change to be an important anniversary, but the government did not allow their joint celebration. The leader of the opposition party is Lóránt Keresztes László at a press conference before Parliament, p.anniversary of freedom, sovereignty and democracy, would have deserved a declaration that can be supported by all political groups.

The leader of the LMP group called the position of Hungarians living across the border a very important value, in which he said that they had moved in the right direction recently, but that they did not yet create a national consensus, since sometimes government parties and some opponents use questions of national policy.

He also emphasized that the government does not consistently represent national interests, so national self-determination is still threatened by serious problems, and regime change could be considered complete if the past of state security had been explored.

Speaking about what happened thirty years ago, Péter Ungár, a member of the LMP Parliament, said that they would definitely await the self-reflection of those who prevented the adoption of the reparations law during the first right-wing government. He stressed that it would also have been important to have a statement reflecting the national minimum now. To do this, the opposition should also have been involved in drafting the declaration, without which it would only be a symbolic representation of the “cold civil war” of the past thirty years, accepted only by pro-government politicians.

We will not attend the second event of the Pharisees of Fidesz in May

– Also said Péter Jakab, president of Jobbik and leader of the group, and Brenner Koloman, the deputy leader of the group. As they wrote, Jobbik, as a national people’s party, naturally remembers the formation of the first freely elected Parliament after the communist one-party regime on May 2, 1990, which promised Hungary a new bourgeois and democratic development. “Since the formation of our party, we have been fighting to realize our hopes, so as the largest opposition party in parliament, we tabled a resolution with President Péter Jakab, as we know that the former partisan power in the period regime change – and in the midst of its rescue, it was taken over by the new democratically elected government of Antall, “they said.

However, in addition to the formal establishment of a democratic and rule of law system, historical justice fell short, and in the years after the regime change, democracy did not bring the expected prosperity and security to Hungarian citizens. To date, single-party communist regime operators have not been held accountable, including full disclosure of agents’ files, and actual compensation for those deprived of their property and freedom. However, Hungarian citizens then and now believed and believed in a social market economy and European values ​​such as the rule of law and solidarity with the fallen based on Christian values.

– the party declared in the communication, who therefore could not agree with the political statement of the Fidesz representatives.
