Rethinking the drug treasure can be a weapon against the coronary artery


There has never been a scientific connection between good coronary research in Hungary. Specialists search for and test possible active ingredients until they find the most effective antiviral agent against infection. What exactly is happening now in national and foreign laboratories? Is the Hnyfle coronary artery spreading in the country? Is there any mutcii to this? What do we know from good research on crocodile mechanisms? Among others, Professor Ferenc Jakab Orignak, head of the Virology Research Group at the Jnos Research Center in Szentgothai, University of Pszcz (PTE) and the Orszgos Koronavrus Research Group, and Virolgus Kemboresi, coordinator of Pcssi research, responded these questions.

What exactly is happening in domestic and foreign laboratories when it comes to coronary artery research?

Jakab Ferenc: At the moment, Hungarian research is focused on the main pillars: it involves different tests for active substances, the sequence of the virus genome and rigorous basic research.

Across the country, we are looking at the new coronavirus from several aspects.Forrs: Getty Images / iStockphoto / Hazemmkamal

Mindhrom is essential for a better understanding of the mechanisms, behavior and characteristics of the new coronavirus; we can treat and prevent related diseases; and lay the foundation for the most professional and quickest preparation for a future event.

How are the various drug tests that have stopped the virus infection?

Jakab Ferenc: This is primarily a test of active pharmaceutical ingredients under laboratory conditions, where some of the active substances are synthesized,

And in some cases, there are drug trials available on the market.

An unprecedented scientific collaboration in which the largest Hungarian higher education institutions work with steam every day.

Professor Ferenc Jakab, head of the Coronavrus National Research Group, spoke about an unprecedented national and international consensus.Source: Virology Research Group of the Jnos Szentgothai / Zsfia Lanszki Research Center

We are in close contact with the research team at the Jnos Research Center in Szentgothai, Pcssi, Debrecen University, Etvs Lrnd University Research Institute, Semmelweis University and Etvs Lrnd University, where everyone is tasked with adapting to cheese.

Experts from the University of Debrecen synthesize the new active substances,

Scientists from the Etvs Lrnd Research Network are searching and modeling new molecules, while Semmelweis University staff are carrying out a kind of “reuse” of “relevant” data from large international databases.

The work of the virological research group at the Jnos Research Center of the Pcsi University in Szentgothai expands the sample received in a safe area in the center’s laboratory.Source: MTI / Ski Tams

Of course, we also receive materials to be tested from many other research institutes, research and development companies and organizations, and a classification agent can be removed. For example, I conduct all rigorous basic research on the virus in the highest security laboratory in the country.

These not only allow the treatment of the disease, but are important for understanding the mechanisms of the virus,

which may justify a simpler and faster preparation for a possible law in the future.

What type of synthesized active substances are you currently working with in Hungary?

Jakab Ferenc: Colleagues at Debrecen have now synthesized around 220 substances, which can be divided into four parts. The first group contains active substances that can block viral replication at various points.

More than six substances are currently being studied in Hungarian research laboratories.Source: MTI / Ski Tams

The second group includes protected nucleoside analogues, suggesting that the virus also multiplies the material when it replaces the cheese genome.

The third group included active substances that prevent the virus from entering the body,

or prevent it from sticking to the cell. The fourth group of substances tries to prove that the different molecular mechanisms cannot be understood.

There is a lot to hear about the fact that there are some drugs that can successfully combat the new coronary artery.

Ferenc Jakab: A third of the drugs currently tested are active substances in a drug. This is the profession of drug reuse, which is a substance that we have used to treat or prevent disease, but laboratory tests can also show that virs can replicate.

Accelerate the immediate clinical trial of the most effective antiviral agent for coronary artery disease.Source: EuroSLA 30

This, in turn, allows them to easily participate in clinical trials, since these are authorized agents,

which accelerates the immediate clinical response of the most effective antiviral agent against coronary artery disease.

In a series of dominant experiments, thirty to thirty substances are tested simultaneously at different concentrations, and then it is examined whether the crocodile can multiply in cells. Any substance that has been tested will be tested again. Try to find the compound that is most effective in blocking the virus or preventing replication.

Have you found six substances that can block the virus to some degree?

Jakab Ferenc: Almost sixty tests were performed in virological laboratories in Hungary

and so far we have been able to identify 4-5 agents that seem to be based on the first results.

A hydroxychloroquinea favipiravir s a Remdesivir clinical tests, but you can also hear positive and negative reviews about all of them.

There is still no effective solution, and serious clinical trials are underway across the country.Source: MTI / Ski Tams

Among the listed drugs, the results obtained so far in Hungary are also very encouraging, which is why a clinical study is currently being carried out by HECRIN (European Hungarian Network for Clinical Research Infrastructure) Consortium, a national research network in support of academic clinical trials. This international clinical trial is supported by a large European non-profit organization, ECRIN (European Network for Clinical Research Infrastructure) center in Hungary.

Numerous potential antiviral agents are being tested across the country.Source: MTI / Ski Tams

There is no effective solution at the moment, and serious clinical trials are needed to be sure. It is true that the best solution will be a well-developed vaccine.

In the past, Pcsett managed to determine the total genetic sign of coronary influenza in Hungary. How important is this?

Kemenesi Gbor: We are now involved in bat coronavirus research in the PCSI laboratory. Identifying the genetic disease of the virus will help us better understand the thief: the mechanism of infection and spread,

to identify possible preventive measures,

and the further development of the most effective drugs and remedies. Genetic characterization is the first step in tracking small changes in the virus.

Virolgus Kemenesi Gbor, Research Coordinator for PCsiSource: Virology Research Group of the Jnos Szentgothai / Zsfia Lanszki Research Center

The genetic code can be used to predict, for example, the extent of the infection and where the virus is spreading. Today, with a quick response, you can monitor in real time how and to what extent the coronary virus changes. This is a fundamental pillar of any research or development or legal study. We can be proud, because with such precision, only developed countries in the field of research and genomics can do it locally, with cheese on their borders.

The investigation also continually analyzes the current spread of the law.Source: Nextstrain

We provide this infrastructure and bioinformatics capability for many Hungarian legal and research laboratories, well-developed technological methodology, as well as the professional background of the Research Center’s Bioinformatics Research Group. This also helps international research, as it is a type of strategic resource, so our foreign partners also need our help.

Is Hnyfle coronavirus spreading in the country, isolated in Hungarian patients?

Kemenesi Gbor: Practically, professionally, taxonomically single-pulse vrus species, made from a jrvny line extending through the SARS2-type coronary vein.

On the contrary, it is terribly dangerous to say it, because there is no scientific basis. Based on samples studied around the world, we found no evidence that any virus was functionally successful.

Today, there are thousands of viruses worldwide.Source: iStock

The virus shows, but this word does not necessarily mean a negative context.

Today, there are thousands of viruses worldwide, but we have not seen any of them more aggressive or dangerous. Fortunately, it is still inconceivable that you have to adapt to changes in the virus with the same intensity as the flu virus.

What does it mean that local propagation chains have started in our country? Is this good or bad for us?

Kemenesi Gbor: None. When we examined the spread of the virus in the knowledge of genetic traits, we found that when more than a thousand cases were recorded in Europe, no disease occurred in Hungary. Looking at the patterns, it became clear that in Hungary, the law could start at several points.

The disciplined conduct of the population and compliance with government measures are essential for the enactment of the law.Source code: MTI / Balogh Zoltn

That is why we have benefited from risi by taking timely and good official restriction measures,

It was also supported by molecular studies. In Hungary, local distribution started in March, and the Russians belong to the protected European countries, that is, groups. This analysis can help understand the processes that form the basis of national law, the spread of the virus, and provides a basis for future-related estimates and measures.

What do we know about the mechanisms of the virus in new research when it enters the body?

Jakab Ferenc: At the moment, our knowledge of the new coronary virus can be chosen primarily on the basis of “ntha” coronary viruses and two other serious infections causing coronary viruses (SARS and MERS).

In relation to which it can be stated that there are not many possibilities for reinfection of Belli re hten.

According to PCSI virolgus, there isn’t much chance of reinfection in the heatSource: MTI / Ski Tams

There are many open questions about immunity, among other things, we are examining this in our series of experiments. One of the previous patients with coronary artery disease showed 2-3 renal immunity, the duration of which in the case of SARS was also related to the severity of the disease. This can also be calculated in the case of a new coronary artery disease, and a different duration and duration of immunity can be expected.

Is it possible to achieve nyjimmunits?

Kemenesi Gbor: There is no need to wait for immunosuppression: in case of unknown duration and dynamic immunization, it is not possible to calculate this in a natural tone.

Therefore, the vaccine can provide a solution for this.

It is no coincidence that the World Health Organization (WHO) has not recommended to any country in the public consciousness only a “liberation method”. This does not work and not so often.

Professor Ferenc Jakab and Gbor Kemenesi, staff of the Virology Research Group at the Jnos Research Center in Szentgothai, Pcssi University (PTE)Source: Virology Research Group of the Jnos Szentgothai / Zsfia Lanszki Research Center

The law cannot simply be “letting go”, a kind of gold medal must be chosen, the economic and health burden is well harmonized. 3. The first controlled seroepidemiological examinations will provide an adequate response to the actual infection.
