In the fall, the law can count on the second wave.


Viktor Orbn also spoke about the gradual resumption of the race at Kossuth Rdi. The first dollar was earned, said our minister, who was stirring a second wave. The Hungarian credit repayment moratorium is unique in the world, Operatv Trzs said in a press release. Karcsonyk is still not responsible for the situation in their home in Pest, they do not answer why there are inhumane conditions at home. Globally, the number of infected people approached 3.4 million, the death toll rose to almost 240,000, and the death toll was close to 1.1 million. Origo summarizes on Friday.

By 2863, the number of people infected with the new type of coronary virus in Hungary. He died in 11 major chronic diseases.


With this, 323 the number of victims and 609 Sr. were burned. There are 83 patients with coronary artery disease, 49 of whom are ventilated.

Viktor Orbn: let’s start the deposit again

Our Minister Viktor Orbn Kossuth rdi J tomorrow, Hungary! cm said As Budapest and its surroundings are the most infected, it is necessary to keep the restrictions here for the moment, but in the previous case it is not necessary to change the rules. At Vidken, on the other hand, it can be alleviated.

The helmsman brought him,

he won the first dollar

Now the question is how to start the deposit again. However, he also warned that Based on previous legal experience, a second wave can be counted in October and November.

However, no one can say whether this wave will be stronger or weaker than the first.

Orbn Viktor Soros Gyrgy’s second US dollar plan for the bad and bad debt was strongly rejected. He stressed that continues to prioritize job creation.

Operational trz: the Hungarian credit repayment moratorium is unique in the world

Gion Gbor, Secretary of State for Finance at the Ministry of Finance, said that The credit repayment moratorium is one of the first elements of the government’s economic measures, unique in the world. This applies to everyone, not just distressed ads, unlike other examples. It will run until December 31, 2020. It leaves $ 3.6 billion in liquidity for individuals and companies. Gion Gbor emphasized that the savings of the Hungarian population was 12 packages last year, which is the highest in the European Union.

Mller Ceclia, a national officer, noted He considers it a great achievement that he managed to avoid the explosion of the virus, so that Hungarian health was able to recover.

We cannot rest easy, we must be prepared to keep the infection under control, the officer said. The people of Fvros and Pest counties should leave their homes only for exceptional reasons. In the field, pay attention to the rules of social distance, pay attention to the cracks. It is important to cover our faces in stores, by means of transportation. he brought it. In terms of age, the restriction between 9-12 remains in Budapest, Pest County and the countryside, there is no change in this – Mller said.

The Minister of Economy and Finance of Szijjrt Pter announced that a flight of 4 million 100,000 masks and 100,000 tests were brought to Hungary.

Karcsonyk still doesn’t give a meaningful answer about the plague and going home

In response to questions from Gergely Karcsony, Mayor, and Gy. Nmeth Erzsbet, Deputy Mayor, we received an email from a cheese referent about the situation in downtown Pest City, but we couldn’t learn anything from this.

For example, they refused to answer our questions about fnvr’s passion. As we understand, in November, the popular fnvr and the previous shelf disappeared, there could be a political cleaning of the house after the elections.

We did not receive a response about the doctor’s report, non-compliance with basic hygiene rules and lack of information.

You can see a summary below of what could have happened in the old town.

Smart contact search is now used across the Czech Republic, daily hair extensions have been reported in Britain

With the help of the so-called “smart quarantine system”, the Czech authorities can quickly determine with whom the data of a new patient with coronavirus was collected the day before with the help of data from the mobile service, so that we can perform tests on two levels. We can find this based on electronic traces of his mobile phone and bank card with his consent, said Deputy Minister of Health Roman Prymula, project manager.

CsehorszgBy Friday night, coronary artery disease had claimed 240 victims, and the cumulative death toll had increased to 3,359. The increase in the number of accidents has slowed down, and most victims are older people.

Further reduced RomniIn 2006, the number of registered active coronary virus infections, but not only the number of people who became ill in the last day, but also the large number of deaths, contributed to this. According to the strategic communication report, the number of victims of the disease increased by 31 compared to the previous day, so the number of 726 infected people was lost in Romania. In Rome, 12,567 people have been diagnosed with coronary artery disease, and 249 of them are in intensive care units.

To GermanyThe number of confirmed infections was 163,855, of which 846 were diagnosed cases. 47 died on Friday and their total number was 6,670. Contrary to the law, in Berlin, the first days of left-wing organizations took action.

Work in Berlin’s Kreuzberg district on Sunday, May 1, 2020.Source: MTI / EPA / Omer Messinger

BritainIn recent years, the British Minister of Health significantly exceeded the number of daily crowns exposed to new coronary infections. Matt Hancock said 122,347 coronary follicles had been performed across the country the day before. He added that hair is a key factor in the reduction of coronary artery disease, in addition to many other factors, because it helps to resolve the appearance of the disease.

SpanyolorszgThe number of registered cases of coronary heart disease increased to 215,000 from 216,000 in 2006, while the spread of the infection continues to increase, according to the Spanish Ministry of Health. According to the expert’s report, in the last day, 1175 people in the body were detected by the presence of the virus in the most reliable PCR tests. The procedure confirmed 1,309 mg of cases and 2,144 new cases on Wednesday. The Spanish government will initiate an extension of the bill from parliament, this time until May 24. Jv htftl, on the other hand, will begin to resolve the legal restrictions. Therefore, for at least two weeks at a time, they will be relieved by the results.

ItalyThe death toll on Friday was 269, at Cstrtki 285 later. On March 14, the last time such a small number of deaths were reported was 28,236. The number of active victims fell from 608 in one day to 100,943, compared to 78,000. Counting both the burned and the dead, the coronavirus has so far infected 207,428 people in Italy.

FranceThe number of patients treated in the intensive care unit decreased from 396 to 25,887 in the last 24 years, and 144 fewer patients with intensive care were treated in the intensive care unit than in the previous year. For the fourth week in a row, the number of people needing ventilation is now, there are currently 3,878. Tetzs was prilis at 9 with 7,200 patients with slyos.

At the press conference, Jrome Salomon, law director, presented the trick that led to the plan to resolve the restrictions on May 11. In France, 130,185 infections were registered on March 1, reaching more than 90,000. Despite the law, the usual first march, which was not allowed at the time, was not lost, and the police retaliated with a tough promotion.

Source: MTI / AP / Thibault Camus

In the middle of the worldThe number of infected people approached 3.4 million, the death toll rose to almost 240,000, and the death toll was close to 1.1 million.
