The world expects a vaccine from a company that has not even released a single product on the market


In early March Donald trump The President of the United States welcomed representatives of the pharmaceutical companies to the White House, who presented their ideas for a possible coronavirus vaccine.

John shiver, the head of Sanofi Pasteur, said that its product could be ready for clinical tests within a year, so the vaccine could be commercialized in a few years. Trump had no fever for that.

It’s okay. It’s okay. Thank you

He said at the round table, according to a CNN report.

The next Lenny Schleifer, was the founding CEO of Regeneron. He promised clinical trials for the summer and promised two hundred thousand doses of vaccine a month starting in August if all goes well. This has already piqued the President’s interest.

So would this process be faster than John’s?

He asked, to which they said yes, that it was a matter of weeks or months to put the vaccine on the market.

This offer could only be exceeded if someone spoke for days, and the next CEO did so without hesitation.

Photo: Doug MIlls / The New York Times / Pool / Getty Images / AFP

Stéphane Bancel, the CEO of Moderna, said that they managed to produce the vaccine in 42 days, it is ready for the first tests. The French-born businessman said they could enter the second and third phase of the clinical trial with his technology in just a few months. This can normally take up to a decade.

Trump asked again:

So do you think we would have a vaccine in a few months?

Bancel agreed Anthony Fauci, the leading epidemiology expert in the United States, said the vaccine could be tested at that time.

Experts say Bancel did exactly what he really meant to say: he told good people good things at the right time.

The eyes of the world are on them.

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gave the go-ahead for the first clinical trial of the product the day after the meeting, in which the drug was administered to 45 volunteers.

Founded in 2010, Moderna has never released a single product on the market, and none of its nine vaccines has been approved by the FDA over the years. Furthermore, none of their products reached the third and final testing phase.

However, right now, they have the United States and perhaps the greatest hope in the world for our lives to go back to the old and defeat a microscopic-sized enemy.

The potential vaccine maker received a horrible amount of $ 483 million in research funding in mid-April. Johnson & Johnson, which had previously developed a series of drugs, and Sanofi, which has been making vaccines for over a hundred years, received far less money.

Photo: AFP

However, Moderna has absolutely no experience with what has now been entrusted to her: with record speed, an effective vaccine should be on the table in a few months.

CNN spoke to more than twenty experts and former employees about the company’s background. Some academics are optimistic that Moderna can complete the task, while others say they overestimate the company in which chaos reigns.

Moderna requested the launch of the second phase on Monday, taking into account the results of the first phase. This means that even more people would be involved in the tests, up to hundreds, including high-risk ones. In the third phase, the vaccine would be administered to thousands of people.

However, preparing a vaccine is an extremely difficult task, since very few cases can be marketed. In addition, Moderna works with a technology different from the others, but its credo is that, although Henry Ford did not follow the others, he was still able to create something lasting in the automotive market.

They put everything on one sheet

According to Fauci, the worst thing they can do is vaccinate someone with a vaccine if it only makes it worse. Modern, on the other hand, does not test on animals at all, which can lead to this same phenomenon. The company says that it would be unethical to experiment with animals, since we are talking about a pandemic and we need a solution as soon as possible.

The vaccine can basically have two setbacks: either it is not strong enough to trigger an adequate immune response, or there are safety risks.

It’s still the music of the future, but it’s a very unique approach by the United States to invest virtually all of the money in experimental technology. The danger of this is that if it doesn’t work, there will soon be no effective vaccine in the country, and perhaps not the world.

Featured Image: AFP
