Almost two thirds of the population do not need a significant reduction in speed in the city.


In addition to fighting coronary artery disease, the plan to calm traffic in Budapest defined the public conversation, with significant exceptions both socially and politically. In the trade dispute over tm, two opinions among themselves emerged prominently. According to plans, a significant speed reduction is necessary as it can prevent serious accidents, criticize traffic jams and highlight air pollution. Szzadvg’s public opinion research examined the familiarity and support of the adult Hungarian population.

Based on the results, it can be seen that in the short time after the first news on April 27, the population took an extraordinary interest: nationwide, 78 people and 93 people from the capital heard that Gergely Karcsony proposed a reduction in traffic and speed reduction in Budapest. by public transport

It can be said that the city leader’s speed reduction plan does not comply with the will of the majority of society at the national level or in Budapest. Just over a quarter of the respondents (28 groups) said that it was necessary to significantly reduce speed limits, as this would avoid serious accidents, on the contrary. According to two thirds of them (65), there is no need for traffic congestion and air pollution. In the case of the Budapest population, the rejection is above the national average: 68 troops made a rejection, and only 23 troops support the opinion.

Source: Szzadvg

From the point of view of political affiliation, there may be differences along the left-right axis, but when it comes to the left, they consider speed reduction to be unnecessary (54 units) as needed (35 units) . In the case of the middle, the opposing forces are 60 units, the support is 34 units, and in the case of the right, they are 76 units and 19 units.

We get an even more interesting picture if we examine the opinion of the mayor who is sympathetic to the subject. Even in the form of a favorable opinion from Gergely Karcsony, acceptance of the plan to calm traffic is clearly negative, according to 50 companies it is unnecessary, and according to 42 companies it is necessary to introduce changes.
