One third of coronavirus patients return to hospital


Research shows that a third of patients who recover from the coronavirus are rehospitalized within four months, and one in eight dies during the same period.

Research shows that a third of patients who recover from the coronavirus are rehospitalized within four months, and one in eight dies during the same period.

According to a British study, most patients who recover from the coronavirus are hospitalized again within four months due to some type of organ damage, and some of them also die from it.

Researchers from Univerity College London, the University of Leicester and the Office for National Statistics have published COVID patient fact sheets from 48,000 hospitals with a general population control group. These fact sheets included new hospitalizations for treated patients, their mortality rates, and the severity of respiratory, heart, kidney, liver and metabolic diseases, including diabetes, the MTI explained.

The data is very devastating

Of the 47,780 patients included in the analysis, 14,060 required additional hospitalization in approximately 140 days and 5,875 died during the same period.

The researchers concluded that those treated in hospital for Covid-19 may have a higher rate of organ damage compared to the control group.

– The increased risk is not limited to older people and is not the same for ethnic groups. The diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of post-Covid syndrome require an integrated, non-organ- or disease-specific approach, and research is urgently needed to explore risk factors.

Our results indicate that the long-term burden of Covid-19 may be significant for hospitals and the healthcare system. – was written in a study published in the British Medical Journal.

