Index – National – Pneumologist Ban List


We have already written the opinion of Dr. Márta Fényes in a previous article, in which the doctor defended the use of a mask during sports practice, saying that with forced breathing, without a mask, the blown air can reach up to 5-10 meters and everything it contains, that is, in the case of the Covid-19 virus.

The pulmonary doctor also warned that, unfortunately, there is a more common risk factor than this, since people who smoke in the street also put those around them in danger.

Since the cigarette smoke that it expels travels up to 3-4 meters away, and if the smoker is infected, it also transmits the virus with such intensity. Doctor observation can be supported by anyone walking through big cities and encountering carefree smokers in front of office buildings, around tram and bus stops, and in general stores.

Another pulmonologist, Dr. Katalin Várdi, chief physician at the InspiroMed Respiratory Center, also shared her personal thoughts and experiences with the Index.

The doctor sees that people in a viral situation that has lasted more than a year have now run out of patience, relaxed in discipline, but at the worst possible time, during the worst period of the epidemic. And yet, according to the chief physician, we should shut down now.

In his daily work, he discovers that the vaccines he has started have confused people, as those who have already been vaccinated have a new confidence in the world while spreading the infection in the same way that even a vaccine-free period was better when everyone was scared and shut down.

In my opinion, people’s behavior should now be determined by discipline.

– said the doctor, who also emphasizes that, of course, anyone can be thirsty, even go hungry in public, but suggests that anyone who does, and must drink in the street, eat separately, at a safe distance from others passers-by- by.

Smoking and essential coffee

Dr. Katalin Várdi is aware that smoking is not only a harmful passion and cause of serious illness, but also a kind of community activity. However, he believes that smokers now need to change their previous habits. As he says, you shouldn’t smoke on the street, especially since when you smoke cigarettes compared to traditional breathing, the smoke you blow, and possibly the virus it contains, comes from deep in your lungs and spreads over an area. larger. That is, if a smoker is infected by Covid, it is highly contagious.

“The other day, I entered a lottery, where while filling in coupons, people were drinking coffee side by side with masks under their chins, filling in their coupons. Well, it is no coincidence that the cafes closed, those programs should be absent ”, warns the doctor.


Under the new antivirus rules, stores will have limited access based on their space, allowing queues to form in front of stores. Dr. Katalin Várdi also finds this dangerous, because in her opinion, people cannot really estimate the required safety distance, and inevitably strike up a conversation, and these two together are a similar source of danger, as if they were entering the shop.


If students can return to the school community from mid-April, where only teachers will be vaccinated, foci of infection may develop in educational institutions where children can get sick and from where the virus can carry their parents and grandparents. .

Construction sites

From a virus protection point of view, Dr. Katalin Várdi also considers construction sites to be particularly risky places. He sees a lot of irresponsibility in places like this, because, as he says, it is springtime, steam power is being worked on in smaller or larger construction investments, while workers generally work very close to each other, without a mask.

In a hurry

We have already written about the connection between wearing a mask and sport in a previous article, but it is worth taking Dr. Katalin Várdi’s words on this matter, as the doctor herself runs regularly, wearing a mask that only takes off. during training in the morning forest, when she is sure that he does not meet an approaching person.

The pulmonologist also spoke in this context that many of the recreational athletes are in their thirties and forties, who are now at special risk, since many of them are parents with young children who have a great responsibility to themselves and their children. families.

(Cover image: Cafe people in Russia on March 25, 2020. Photo: Sergei Fadeichev / TASS / Getty Images)
