Index – Foreign – Covid Killer Tablets and Nasal Spray are being tested


In a press release, Oravax announced that it expected the first phase of human clinical trials to begin in June.

This is the earliest stage in the development of a preservative. Success is not guaranteed, but if the research is successful, it will still take at least another year for the tablet to be approved (as a reminder: Moderna started a human vaccination clinical trial in May 2020 and Pfizer in May 2020) .

Oravax is a joint venture between Israeli-American Oramed and Indian Premas Biotech.

The oral protective agent is the “second generation” coronavirus vaccine, which is easier to administer and simpler to distribute.

“Oral protection allows people to apply a new form of protection in their homes,” Nadav Kidron says in the statement. The CEO of Oramed told The Jerusalem Post:

the tablet can be transported in a regular refrigerator and stored at room temperature.

Paul Hunter, a professor at the University of East Anglia, urges caution and calls for a thorough investigation, but added that

the pill may be a lifesaver for those who fear needle-stick injuries.

“The vaccine is usually effective in preventing the development of serious disease, but it is not as effective in preventing infection,” Hunter said.

Pfizer is also investigating anti-coronavirus tablets

PF-07321332 – This is the name given to the protease inhibitor developed by Pfizer, which has been shown in preclinical studies to be effective in preventing the replication of SARS-CoV-2 and other mutants. Proteases are enzymes that break down proteins. Protease inhibitors, on the other hand, bind to protein that is essential for viral replication. A similar procedure has been used to control the AIDS and hepatitis C viruses.

Pfizer has started the clinical development of this drug.

It is expected that a GP can prescribe a tablet based on this active ingredient when the first symptoms appear.

Vaccines have been shown to be effective in many countries and reduce the spread of infection, which is at the forefront of vaccination. However, we cannot speak of one hundred percent effectiveness until some people reject the vaccine.

“PF-07321332 is designed for oral use. They would be given to those who show the first signs of symptoms so they don’t need hospital treatment or intensive care, ”says Mikael Dolsten, Pfizer’s director of research.

Nasal spray against Covid

Oxford University and AstraZeneca took a different direction. They have begun to develop a protective substance that can be introduced into the human body in the form of a nasal spray.

The University of Oxford is recruiting 30 healthy volunteers between the ages of 18 and 40 to participate in clinical trials.

According to the researchers, like the hay fever nasal spray, it would encourage more people to defend themselves against the coronavirus.

“A large number of people may find intranasal defense more attractive, which can increase their propensity to vaccinate,” says Dr. Sandy Douglas.

The head of the research recalled that in addition to the practical benefits, the nasal spray is used effectively instead of vaccination against influenza in British schools, for example.

The study looks for answers to the immune response and the possible side effects of the nasal spray, among others.

(Cover image: Hospital in Italy in April 2020. Photo: Michele Lapini / Getty Images)
