NASA may book another landing after a mini-helicopter attached to Perseverance’s belly has finally managed to catch the ground.

A NASA Mars patrol helicopter called Ingenuity, if not from a great height, has landed safely, the US space agency said. The drone attached to the belly of a Persian passerby by Mars descended 10 centimeters, “it only has to spend the night,” according to NASA. The mini helicopter will launch in a week, the first time a flying device will be tested on another celestial body.

The just 2-pound helicopter will operate on its own rechargeable batteries after detachment, making it a major “milestone” for NASA to survive the 90-degree Martian night less, writes space research portal

Ingenuity’s virgin flight is scheduled for April 11; The $ 85 million drone will scan Jezero crater with two cameras, but will only soar to a height of 5 meters in one flight and fly up to 90 meters; This part of the mission is primarily intended as a technology demonstration.

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Curiosity has created a 1.2 billion pixel panoramic photo of Mars

Wearing virtual reality goggles, the circular panoramic image recently taken by Curiosity of the Gale Crater on Mars provides an exciting sight when viewed on a real but normal screen.

Picked up perseverance while fidgeting on Mars


Since then, the recording reached Earth, you can listen to it below.