Thirty years ago, there was brutal sexual violence and murder on the Chain of Rocks Bridge.


It was exactly 30 years ago that a brutal murder took place that day, in which they wanted to kill two sisters and their cousins, for no particular reason. The two companies met by chance, first they had a lighthearted conversation with each other, and then after saying goodbye, Reginald Clemons told one of his friends to rob them. The thing started as a robbery, which eventually turned into a rape and a double murder.

In April 1991, 19-year-old Julie and 20-year-old Robin Kerry were visited by their cousin, 19-year-old Thomas Cummins. On the night of April 4, the two girls wanted to show Thomas the Chain of Rocks bridge between Missouri and Illinois to show him a graffiti poem, that the girls had painted years before.

The bridge was built in 1929, one of the special features is that there is a 22 degree bend in the middle. The heavily trafficked bridge played a major role in traffic until its closure in 1970. It was not officially used until 1998, it was renovated and has been functioning as a pedestrian and bicycle bridge ever since. In the years it was closed, the bridge was known for violence and crime, one of the best known occurred on the fateful night in April.

The sisters and their cousin arrived at the parking lot late at night, around 12 noon. They talked and set off for the bridge over the Mississippi River.

Shortly before that, another company also decided for an evening program that they were going to the bridge.

Reginald Clemons, Marlin Gray, Daniel Winfrey and Antonio Richardson, Clemons’s cousin, had fun with a mutual friend. They drank beer and smoked weed when Gray suggested that the company go to the Chain of Rocks Bridge. The two companies met on the bridge when the 4 men were already returning and speaking briefly. One of the nurses gave one of the company men a cigarette while Gray showed them how to go down the bridge deck to the dock. Meanwhile, Clemons explained that this was a good place if you wanted to be alone or take your girlfriend on a date. The two groups then parted ways and proceeded in opposite directions. The sisters and Thomas stopped to look at the graffiti and then continued their way to the end of the bridge in Illinois.

Clemons and his three friends went back to their cars, stood there for a while, and then said: We are going to rob them!To this, his friend Gray replied that: Okay, I feel like I want to hurt someone!Clemons Cousin

suggested that the girls be raped. Clemons agreed.

Then the foursome set off on the bridge to Illinois, walking over to Winfrey, Gary came over and handed her a condom.

which Winfrey saved and stated that: I will not do it Then Clemons grabbed him, pushed him over the railing and threatened him, and Winfrey finally complied. The company caught up with Juliet, Robin, and Thomas, telling them that: This is an assault!

The man was ordered to drop to the ground, Antonio captured Juliet while Clemons raped her, then switched places.

Gary, Antonio, and Clemens took turns raping the girls.

Thomas’s wallet, watch, money, and keys were taken from him, and then everyone was ordered to enter the mine. There, Thomas was laid down next to the girls and then ordered to get up and go to the concrete pier below the platform.

First Juliet was pushed down from a height of over twenty meters, then her brother Robin followed her.

Thomas was ordered to jump alone. When the man hit the surface of the water after the fall, he saw Juliet and yelled at her to swim. The strong drift carried Thomas towards Julie, but they eventually parted ways, both submerged.

Thomas got out of the stream and managed to stay afloat, but Julie did not come back up.

The man landed in a wooded area, only he survived the night. Among her cousins, Julie’s body was found in the river about three weeks later.

Robin’s body has not been found to this day.

Reginald Clemons, Antonio Richardson and Marlin Garyt were sentenced to death, but in the end only Garyt was executed and Clemons received five times a life sentence. Daniel Winfrey was only 15 years old that day. He was sentenced to 30 years in prison and released on probation after 15 years.

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