According to press reports, the full name and in some cases the phone number of Facebook users can be found in the data package that has been made public. Meanwhile, several Hungarian users have locked his account.

The private data of more than 533 million Facebook users could be navigated in a public hacker forum; You can search for phone numbers, full names, email addresses, dates of birth, and residence information. Business Insider.

The phenomenon affects Facebook users in 106 countries.

The problem is also important because the forum where the information is available is accessible to almost anyone, so hackers can easily navigate it too. THE Business Insider According to the data to be true, this was also confirmed by their own research. The portal also writes that the information identified so far can be linked to approximately 32 million US Facebook users, 11 million British and 6 million Indians, but the list is not exhaustive.

It is not yet known if the two have something to do with each other, but in the meantime several of our readers have indicated, and we also learned from our personal circle of acquaintances that the Hungarian site has blocked the accounts of several Hungarian users in recent hours.

Facebook told the portal that the data could have been extracted from the site through a previous vulnerability in 2019. The same problem was responsible for an incident in January, when data from 500 million Facebook users was published online with phone numbers. The information that was made public at that time was attempted to be sold on Telegram through a chat device.

There have been several incidents of data leakage on Facebook, including last year, in the first year of the coronavirus epidemic.

If you are curious about the developments, please Like and follow the Facebook page in the HVG Tech section.

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