Attila Pataky was so disappointed to have colon cancer


Attila Pataky spoke with Péter Hajdú on his Life TV show that he had been disappointed more than once with his friends. In one, he was literally sick, as he developed colon cancer.

Attila Pataky spoke with Péter Hajdú on his Life TV show that he had been disappointed more than once with his friends. In one, he was literally sick, as he developed colon cancer.

Attila Pataky has witnessed death multiple times in recent years, but few know that the singer who was completely there for Zini’s Zalatnay owes his colon cancer to the pain caused by his friend’s betrayal.

I was disappointed by a friend and almost died in it. It hurt to such a degree that I just almost died.

– Singer Péter Hajdú tells him in the video about friendship and the fact that he was literally sick.

Disappointments became the only

If I can, I close the disappointments, but once I did not know, that’s where my colon cancer came from – says Attila Pataky, who also says that disappointment is part of their life, eventually they became the one.

The friendship that is woven in our childhood, and that still exists, have stood the test of time. They are eternal

– says Atila, who also told the presenter that a friend who didn’t want to qualify on the show somehow stole it.
