Cecília Müller: The virus does not take care that it is Easter


The National Medical Director is also asking the public to follow the established rules for the coronavirus epidemic with great discipline during the Easter holidays. Müller Cecília Speaking to public media on Friday, he said the virus does not address the fact that it is Easter, so everyone should celebrate in the closest family circle possible. He stressed that the epidemic is still serious, with high rates of infection and serious morbidity and mortality, although “they seem to be stabilizing.”

According to the national medical director, if the population “tolerates” Easter with enough discipline, the epidemic could reach its peak in the near future, which could be followed by a slow decrease in the number of cases. “There is much less in front of us than behind us,” he said.

Cecília Müller confirmed that vaccines are placed in front of everything, so the vaccination points remain operational during Easter. He said that it is important that those who have a date also get vaccinated during the holidays, since “each vaccine saved a life and a health.”

The chief doctor recalled that the director general of the WHO made a statement on Friday about the Hungarian vaccination system, thanks to which one in five citizens has already received the first vaccine, and more than 860 thousand have already passed the second vaccination and they are fully protected. .

He also said that the coronavirus, by its nature, can change rapidly, so there are many mutations, but the vaccines approved in Hungary provide protection against all current variants. He stressed that the British mutant has a much higher infectivity, a severe morbidity than the original, called wild-type virus, which is why more of them are infected and several of them are hospitalized. You can infect three other people in the same room for a quarter of an hour infected, so it is extremely important to follow hygiene precautions.

The medical director said that there are currently many serious patients among young people, which may be because 80 percent of those over 65 have already received at least one vaccine and, on the other hand, this mutation is more susceptible to the young, capable. body age group. He added that diabetes and morbid obesity are an additional risk factor compared to other underlying diseases.
