Similar kidnappings for ransom are common in the country.

A pastor and three other people were kidnapped in Haiti during a live broadcast of the Easter temple on Facebook.

The recording shows two members of the church choir singing the hymn while standing at the altar next to the pastor, then one of them suddenly drops the microphone and the three try to hide. The piano accompaniment speaks even when an armed man appears and accompanies them.

The kidnapping took place at the church of a denomination of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Diquini district on the outskirts of the capital, Port-au-Prince.

Gregory M. Figaro, whose father, Greger Figaro, founded the denomination, told the Miami Herald that eight to ten gunmen arrived at the church in two cars and kidnapped three more people, including the pianist, in addition to the pastor.

In recent years, Haiti has been bitten by crime, and similar kidnappings in the hope of obtaining a ransom are common, almost paralyzing the Haitian economy and society.

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