Immunologist Anna Erdei: new mutants require at least 85-90 percent immunity in flocks


It would be important to check the protection of the population at standard intervals under standardized laboratory conditions, and this should be available to everyone free of charge. This would also be important for the authenticity of the “vaccination certificate” attesting to protection.

Said in an interview with People’s Word Erdei Anna To the question, how will we know who has and who does not have antibodies?

The Széchenyi Prize-winning immunologist put it this way, rapid tests are not as sensitive as tests in specialized laboratories that measure antiviral antibody levels, but can be used primarily to give a yes or no answer.

Anna Erdei also talked about how everyone wants to know how long vaccines take effect, how long the virus neutralizing IgG antibody is present in our body. However, in addition to antibodies, the presence of memory killer cells is also very important, which are characteristic of the so-called cellular immune response and are capable of killing the cell infected by the virus.

At the moment, the data on memory persistence can obviously only cover a period of 6-8 months, as the first vaccines were administered last August. Vaccines and those infected can be protected for a year, two years, or even more, but this will only be possible after a sufficient period of time has elapsed.

He explained.

He added that there is a known case in the literature in which an antibody response has not developed in anyone, but cellular immunity does and provides strong protection. But this is one of the rare cases, the formation of antibodies is typical in almost all cases.

According to Anna Erdei, it would be important for the Chinese Sinopharm vaccine to know the results of the Phase 3 clinical phase, but according to the news, it seems that the Chinese company does not want to break into the western market, but rather seeks to conquer Africa and Asia in the European Medicines Agency.

As he said, the coronavirus infects through the mouth and nose, so the “gateway to infection” will be protected by other types of vaccines currently in development, which are expected to be administered in aerosol form. If you can develop an effective antiviral spray, it may be enough on its own.

This is because if we prevent the virus from multiplying in the upper respiratory tract and down from there and infecting the lungs, there is no need for additional protection.

He said.

Finally, Népszava asked Anna Erdei, do you think there could be a fourth wave in Hungary? He replied that

I don’t think we can plan a completely liberated vacation this year. Based on last year’s conditions, roughly 60 to 65 percent of the population would need to be vaccinated to achieve herd immunity. Unfortunately, however, due to emerging mutants, especially the rapidly spreading British variation, a much higher protection rate must be achieved, at least 85-90 percent, which of course includes those who have protected themselves to through infection.

According to him, there is a race between achieving a sufficient level of vaccination to protect the population and the speed with which the virus spreads. Ideally, everyone should be vaccinated in a short time, but this is no longer possible just because there are diseases for which it is not possible to vaccinate.

Additionally, vaccination of children, who make up nearly 20 percent of the population, will reportedly begin in the fall as soon as possible. It should also be noted that if vaccination of young people begins in May, their protection will not develop until mid-summer at the earliest after their second vaccination. In my opinion, therefore, we must be equipped for longer-term protection, which means that we are expected to wear a mask, keep our distance, and wash our hands frequently before the end of the year.

The hill.
