According to Tamás Fabiny, no matter how fair the vaccination of teachers, it is equally justified to ensure the protection of shepherds.

Coronavirus – the second year

It has been more than a year since the Chinese authorities informed the WHO of the emergence of a new, rapidly spreading virus. Since then, there has hardly been a person in the world who has not heard the term Covid-19, and more and more people are mourning a family member or friend with whom the new disease ended as stocks collapsed in weeks and our entire lives were rewritten. by the epidemic. The vaccines have already been completed, which in turn raises not only hope, but also many questions, while not only stopping the virus, but also threatening another mutation. You can find the details of this fight in our article series.

I want society to understand that our pastors do heroic work and, like doctors, nurses, policemen, soldiers and bakers, they deserve praise, ”Tamás Fabiny, president and bishop of the Hungarian Lutheran Church, told MTI.

Fabiny says they risk their lives in the same way when they go to the sick or when they are buried.

That is why the Catholic, Reformed and Lutheran churches asked the Minister of the Interior Sándor Pintér in a letter to lead the pastors to the vaccination plan, as well as the teachers.

He said, adding that of course not only the big three Christian denominations are getting vaccinated but also the pastors of all the churches.

“The vocation in danger belongs to the pastors”, and “for a year the church did not ask for any privilege for its priests, but now we think,” that it is just as fair to vaccinate teachers, it is just as reasonable to ensure that pastors are protected so that they can perform such a great service. Society needs it, said the bishop.

In his opinion, the churches have a serious task ahead of them to restore the mental health of society. It is understandable that the coronavirus epidemic, which has lasted for more than a year, has disappointed and depressed society, and churches can go a long way in recovering from it.

Tamás Fabiny also spoke about the fact that the church is consciously preparing for the period after the epidemic, because like the economy or tourism, the life of the church must be restarted. It is true that “the church is not closed”, but “people need to be loved, called to the church”, because you can get used to Sunday worship or studying the Bible, searching for personal contacts. At best, digital worship and community events will take their place, at worst, nothing, he added.

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There are places where churches prepare for Easter with mobile apps and ozone disinfection elsewhere.
Life + Style

It is highly variable where, in the middle of the third wave of the epidemic, personal participation in festive liturgies will be allowed, and where it will only be possible to follow the events online or on television.

Real estate, paint, sports, and church debt, but even the post office fits into a single salad bar.

The government is rewriting thirteen laws with a single salad law. “On certain provisions on wealth management and amendments to certain laws on wealth management and national financial services” is not exactly the title of a bill that would excite tens of thousands of readers, but changes in postal regulations, the forgiveness of the church and federal sports. debts and transfer of property rights 26 pages of text.