Velvet – Gumugukor – Iszak Eszter had a 12cm cyst on his ovary, Curtis got stuck on phonogram candidates


Let’s take a look at the latest news, information and trivia that you may know about national celebrities from the fact that they shared about themselves on social media!

Eszter Iszak writes in a long post about suddenly falling ill last February and then ending up in the hospital.

The pain and problems accumulated day by day, until I found myself in a hospital in the middle of my quarantine, where my love practically took me in my arms and from where they no longer allowed me to pack home.

Then came a few months of medication, when I took as many pills day after day as I did in 3 decades total. However, my condition did not improve. For the summer, we got them to write down my Tuesday surgery after a test on Friday, which was very fortunate afterwards because, although it didn’t show on the ultrasound, during the operation it turned out that the cyst on my left ovary was 12. inches, which which is huge for my physique. (…) It turned out that in addition to the cyst, I also have endometriosis and hashimoto’s disease, and my thyroid has practically started to break down in my body.

– writes the presenter of the flu, saying that before he thought he could handle everything, but his body prescribed a forced rest, because one cannot take advantage of one’s own body until the end, Eszter Iszak was also forced to change his lifestyle .

Zoltán Bereczki was involved in a car accident yesterday, several cars crashed on the M7 motorway. The actor’s wife is pregnant, they took him to the hospital by ambulance, but Bereczki informs everyone in the post below that none of them were in trouble, they are all fine.

Yesterday it was announced who were the nominees for this year’s Fonogram award, which is, in principle, the Hungarian Grammy. Curtis, the rapper, expresses his outrage at the rap release for the rap category nominees AKC Misi, Deniz, Dé: Nash, Figura and Krúbi. Seeing these candidates, Curtis writes:

Next year the nominees for Phonogram in the rap category: Blinky Bill, Berry, Baby, Mickey Leprechaun and My Mom

It is memorable that two years ago, Majka was upset that she would never get that recognition.

A publication that says everything about the direction of fashion in 2021: Laura Cserpes this Lacoste top without color and without shape “your favorite sweatshirt”.

Model presenter Éva Horváth is currently pregnant and writes that she has been vaccinated against covid, receiving a Pfizer vaccine.

Nóra Ördög and Pál Nánási recently announced that they have a location for their new convenience store on Lake Balaton. Well, construction has started since then, we already have the first photo of the works.

Koholák, who knew Budapest from Night and Day at the time, and now Alexandra Farkas, wrote the following in a religious themed image on Easter on Good Friday:

They were not raised as Christians and I did not find the power of faith in this religion. I am fortunate to be able to follow a VISION that is not religious, but houses all religions. JESUS, THE SON OF GOD, who redeemed our sins, who endured earthly pains and sufferings so that humanity would buy time for change. It is indescribable in earthly words what he did. LORD, bless us to feel what is really important in life.

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