Does Gyurcsanyis feel responsible for the death of his politician who died from the coronavirus?


Origo wondered if Ferenc Gyurcsány’s party, the Democratic Coalition (DK), felt any responsibility for the death of András Penz, a local councilor in Kistarcsa, who rejected the Chinese vaccine by accepting the position of the left-wing party. As with our previous inquiries, DK has not responded to this.

As Origo has reported on several occasions, the 71-year-old Democratic Coalition representative in Kistarcsa Andras Penz On March 20, he announced in his community that he had tested positive for the virus and four days later informed him that he had been admitted to the coronavirus patient ward at Uzsoki Street Hospital in the capital.


Andras PenzSource: Facebook

However, an earlier post on March 2 also revealed that he himself had not been vaccinated, but his wife took the opportunity to get the Chinese vaccine. Based on information from the Hungarian nationANDRÁS PENZ ALSO GOT AN APPOINTMENT FOR THE CHINESE VACCINE, BUT POLITICIAN DK DID NOT SEIZE THE OPPORTUNITY, ADDITIONALLY PREVIOUSLY CAMPAIGNING HIS SELF-CAMPAIGN IN THE COMMUNITY MEDIA.By the way, his wife was also infected with the coronavirus, but because she had been vaccinated with the Chinese vaccine, she only had mild symptoms.

In this regard, we contacted the press department of the Democratic Coalition. We ask that Do you feel responsible for the death of András Penz, who, accepting the party’s position, rejected the Chinese vaccine?

Our question was not answered. If DK continues to reply later, the article will be updated.

On Thursday we also asked the Ferenc Gyurcsány party led to why András Penz’s previous vaccination posts for Chinese vaccine and their entries for his coronavirus infection were removed, and whether they would continue to maintain their vaccination campaign for oriental vaccines. So DK didn’t answer any of our questions.

One of András Penz’s tickets for January 20 was saved ahead of the wave of cancellations. This is the Gyurcsány party’s petition against the use of the Chinese vaccine, which Penz also encouraged his acquaintances to sign.

Source: Facebook

However, DK’s irresponsibility does not end there. We also wrote that Ferenc Gyurcsány’s wife traveled half the country, the And based on the photographs that were taken, in many cases he did not wear a mask, so he himself became a coronavirus, and it took him several weeks to recover.

Gyurcsányné tour on the mapSource: Origo

Károly Gyűrüs The municipal representative of Tatai DK on Facebook wrote that when Mrs. Gyurcsány He was visiting Lake Tata, that day, March 2, he also met him and they talked.

Source: Facebook

NEWS RECEIVED ON MARCH 22 THAT KÁRYY RING RING DUE TO A CROWN VIRUS INFECTION. It is not known from whom Ring contracted the virus, but 3 DAYS AFTER THE MEETING, it turned out that she was also infected with GYURCSÁN.

On Monday, we asked the DK press office if Ms. Gyurcsány was wearing a mask and kept her distance when she met Károly Gyűrüs, who later died of a coronavirus, but the left-wing party did not respond to our request.
