Attila Pataky sobbed for the day the former Edda guitarist died – video


Attila Pataky candidly recounted, sobbing over the circumstances of the tragedy nearly three decades ago, when Edda’s then-guitarist Kun Peti died at the age of just 25.

An incomprehensible tragedy struck Edda fans in 1993 when the band’s guitarist Kun Peti was killed in a motorcycle accident. The traditional Edda camp in Agárd was taking place when the horror occurred, so 2,000 people shared in the tremendous pain. The singer of the legendary band, Attila Pataky, now, 28 years later, recounted the heartbreaking details on the program Closed with Péter Hajdú on Life TV.

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Attila Pataky revealed that he loved Kun Petit as his son, who went for a ride with his new bike on the fateful day, despite being warned not to. The singer did not want to believe at first that his friend had died, but when he saw his body on the shoe polish, he had no choice but to accept the cruel truth. After that, he went mad from the immeasurable duel, for at that moment he saw the deceased guitarist in a cloud while hanging his leg, but it appeared before him several times afterwards.

The celebrity was very afraid that fans would get hurt hearing the terrible news, so at first he only told them that Kun Peti had an accident and was in the hospital. Eventually the tragedy turned out and Attila Pataky was so devastated that he even wanted to stop playing music for a while, but thankfully he managed to get through this stressful period.

Here you can see an excerpt from the show Closed with Péter Hajdú, in which Attila Pataky remembers the terrible day with tears:

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Cover image: Attak Pataky / (screenshot)
