According to a recent survey, due to price increases, a significant proportion of smokers would either abandon this habit completely or seek an alternative.

The excise tax increase in January and April made the price of a box of cigarettes more expensive by 200-250 HUF, which appears to be a lot for a significant portion of Hungarian smokers, according to a survey commissioned by on behalf. by

By the way, the tax increase was necessary due to an EU directive, the Hungarian government should have reached the level of early 2021 already in 2017. The rule is that excise taxes on cigarettes must be at least 90 euros per thousand strands and reach 60 percent of the weighted average price; or you need to kick a minimum of € 115/1000 threads and then your price-to-price ratio doesn’t matter.

Today a box of cigarettes costs 1700-1800 florins, which means that if someone smokes that much a day, they spend 51-55 thousand florins a month on it alone. And that seems to be more than necessary: ​​23 percent of Pulse people responded that they would rather be. Of course, this is unlikely to be successful for many, but it is a good indication that this level is already too high.

One-tenth of those surveyed would switch to self-filled cigarettes, which can really save money. Almost a tenth more would switch to electric cigarettes or heated tobacco products, the latter not to say much cheaper than traditional ones. 22 said it costs what it costs to buy their traditional factory cigarette. 37 percent had switched to something else before.

If we look at the breakdown by age group, it turns out that those over 60 are the most affected by the price increase. One in five respondents said they would switch to fine-cut tobacco and fill their own cigarettes, well above the rate of 8 percent for those ages 18 to 39 and 3 percent for those ages 40 to 59. . And among them, only 5 percent said they would not change their smoking habit

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