Nine children were orphaned by the coronavirus


Two families also suffered immeasurable losses in Pécs these days. What the families had in common was that the children went to the Primary School of the Republic of Pécs. Now the school is also coming together to help them after the death of a single mother in one family and the corona virus in the other family, the Bors wrote.

Within a few days of each other, the two family tragedies happened. The director of the institutional school of the Republic of Pécs addressed the Pécs News. In a family

six children were completely orphaned after the death of their 51-year-old mother

in coronavirus disease. Raised alone by their mother, after the divorce they tried to get out of the difficult situation with the help of their older children, but this seemed desperate because of the inherited debts. Now the youngest son is 13 years old, the director of the institution says that the brothers are talented, but now they are very exhausted by the death of their mother. The smallest girl slept in a room with her mother, now she just stared at her empty bed all day.The six children still do not know how they will cover their expenses and debts. Their home evokes painful memories for them, they want to move to a place where they can start a new life.

In the other family, the 45-year-old

his completely healthy father was lost by a sixth-grade pair of twins and a 15-year-old girl.

For now, Mom can’t understand what’s going on with them. Children are very talented. They play table tennis, they win tournaments Said the head of the institution.

The school also wants to help them, because although their mother has a job, they did not expect such a tragedy. Usually they don’t show the black flag in schools when a parent dies, but now they do.

With this, I would also like to express my condolences in the common grief and ask who can help families in distress.

Families can receive support by referring to an account number maintained at UniCredit Bank.

Account number of family with six children: 10918001-00000084-94440007 Owner: Szekeres

Account number of the family with three children: 10918001-00000064-83790005 Owner: Large
