Index – Foreigner – Coronavirus President of Argentina, although vaccinated with Sputnik


The president of Argentina contracted the coronavirus infection Alberto Fernández, who was vaccinated with the Sputnik V vaccine in the previous days, writes the Buenos Aires Times.

The head of state tested positive on Friday, when he turned 62, with an antigen test. He claims to have mild headaches and fever, but other than that, he feels fine and has no more severe symptoms.

While we are still waiting for the confirmation of the PCR test, I isolated myself according to the protocol and followed the instructions of the doctors.

He said.

The president was vaccinated for the first time with Sputnik on January 21 and on February 11 he also received the second dose.

The Gamelaja Institute, which developed the vaccine, responded to the news on Twitter. They wrote that they had sadly heard about the case, but the vaccine provides 100 percent protection against serious illness (while only 91.6 percent against infection), so the president is unlikely to have serious symptoms. .
