Iszak Estak had to be operated on, his love took him to the hospital in her arms


The host model later revealed that he was hospitalized last year and was in very poor condition.

“I am Eszti Eszter, an invulnerable terminator who never gets sick and gets attached to everything! I thought about this until last February, when I first got sick. Because I never have a problem, I worked without problems for 39 days with a fever of 39 degrees, and the rest … But the pain and problems only accumulated day by day, until I found myself in the hospital in the middle of my quarantine, where my love practically took me in my arms, and from where I was no longer allowed get out. pack home, “he wrote. Side and then told his story in detail.

“Then came a few months of medication, when I took as many pills a day as in a total of 3 decades. However, my condition did not improve. For the summer, we got there that Friday after an exam, they prescribed the surgery, which in hindsight turned out very lucky Although it was not visible on ultrasound, it turned out during surgery that the cyst on my left ovary was 12 inches long, which is huge compared to my physique. I do not want to describe in more detail what I went through and what other symptoms I had, I hope you understand … But the point is that a month-long study revealed that he had endometriosis and hashimoto’s disease in addition to the cyst, and my thyroid gland has practically started to break down in my body ”, he presented to his fans.

“But why am I writing this to you now? You know that I very rarely and almost never talk about my private life and personal things in public, but on the one hand I wanted you to know that your organization cannot be exploited for last. It is not normal. , if you are standing with a 39 degree fever, 6-7 days a week, no normal meals and no sleep / rest. While your favorite saying is “then I will rest in the grave”, your body will insert a forced rest into sometime!

The situation is similar with stress. Whether it’s a person in your environment, your workplace, or anything that causes you stomach cramps on a daily basis, you need to let it go before your body starts to turn against itself. On the other hand, last year you asked a lot of people why I “disappeared”, why I am so inactive on my social sites. It was because of the illness, just as we groped in the dark and we didn’t know what was wrong with me, I couldn’t talk about it, ”he wrote, and in the post he told me even more about the last difficult period.
