Index – National – Crowds Increase During Epidemic, Congestion Difficult to Avoid


Hiking and active outdoor recreation are also very popular during the epidemic situation, the Hungarian Hiking Association (MTSZ) said about the interest of the Index.

The year 2020 was a historic year of unprecedented proportions in the history of Hungarian hiking, breaking records in all its indicators.

– they informed our newspaper.

The number of blue hikers has almost doubled, and the Hungarian Hiking Association’s readability and page downloads are 15-20 percent higher than the previous year. The download of its free application is currently at 260,000, a figure that exceeds all expectations.

Last year’s trend did not lose momentum, according to the Hungarian Hiking Association, a similar record year can also be expected this year.

On weekends, the crowd scenes take place at the most popular hiking spots, which is why we continue to recommend alternative hiking destinations.

They added. They will update their content online and add additional travel deals.

You start and you always want to go

The Hungarian Hiking Association hopes that even if the border opens in the summer due to the lifting of epidemiological restrictions, there may only be a small decrease in national hiking. Those who fell in love with hiking during the epidemic will return to walking tours in the future.

This kind of free time is a refreshment not only physically, but also spiritually and mentally, in addition, we can get to know a Hungary during the forest tour, showing a new face with its wild, untouched romance, wonderful landscapes and charming little ones. hospitable towns. It is an unforgettable experience, even if you can travel to another corner of the world. Knowing our own country in this way opens up a completely different dimension for those who want to travel and relax.

– explained the Hungarian Hiking Association.

In their response to the Index, they also wrote that during the forced closure, more and more people were tempted to walk, visit a forward-thinking attraction, or just take an easy walk in the air, not far from their place of residence. .

Those who rarely did so before the coronavirus epidemic are also embarking on a journey.

In Budapest, therefore, the crowd is particularly concentrated in the popular, well-known and easily accessible green areas:

  • mainly Normafa,
  • the mountain of the Triple Frontier
  • and around Margarita Island,

making it increasingly difficult to avoid congestion.

Let’s walk responsibly

With its newly created and constantly expanding digital content, the Hungarian Hiking Association wants to ease the burden on nature, drawing attention to sustainability and the responsibility of hikers as well. THE # hike responsibly # beware Using slogans one on top of the other, they try to educate hikers during the epidemic.

They have compiled a map-browsable list of routes around Budapest where active recreation is possible with less traffic. The tips will help those who want to get away from the congestion of popular hiking destinations on the weekends.

They also warn on their surfaces to comply with current epidemiological measures:

Just take a healthy ride, and it’s important to follow the rules of wearing a public mask and keeping your distance. Only family members and people in a household should walk together, and everyone should follow the written and unwritten rules of the walk (take trash home, behave as a guest in the woods, leave as little ecological footprint as possible ).

They seek unknown terrain

Of the nearly 700 hiking trails in Természetjáró.hu, it was one of the most popular in 2020

  • the National Blue Tour,
  • the Blue Tour of Rockenbauer Pál South Transdanubia
  • and the Great Plain Blue Tour.

Among the day trips, the Buda Hills, Pilis Mountains and Visegrád turned out to be popular destinations, but Bakony, Lake Balaton area, Mátra, Mecsek and Gerecse were also popular.

With the arrival of the hiking season this spring, hikers will mainly head to previously unknown terrain and destinations to avoid congestion and crowds.

Many people choose multi-generational tours where grandparents and grandchildren are outdoors, but together they can be safe.

The most popular solo tours this year include the Hárs Hill with two viewpoints, the Pilis Roof Circle, the highest point in the Buda Hills, the Panorama Circle on the edge of the Vértes, the Spartacus hunting trail and the factory. of bricks Hűvösvölgy – Rozália. .

The departure restrictions also limit the choice of destination, the safe arrival home at 8:00 p.m. and the forced closure of commercial accommodation allow the visit of landscapes and landscapes near the places of residence.

(Cover image: Participants of the orchid tour organized on the occasion of European National Parks Day will see the panorama of Budapest on Sas Hill in Budapest on May 24, 2020. Photo: Koszticsák Szilárd / MTI)
