Index – National – The BLM statue in Ferencváros was bricked up after a few hours


The Franciscan municipality handed over the Black Lives Matter statue in the rainbow colors, which, however, was only able to remain standing for a few hours due to far-right protesters. According to their Immediate Report, protesters from the Hungária Legion and Mi Hazánk Legions simply boarded the rainbow-colored statue, so it couldn’t even be seen.

By the way, the BLM statue is scheduled to be on display for two weeks at Ferenc square in the 9th arrondissement.

Zsolt Bayer has yet to appear on the scene, although he had previously planned to demolish the statue. However, according to Telex, ten police cars appeared and the authorities who arrived confirmed the participants of the demonstration, including László Toroczkai, president of Our Country.

According to Krisztina Baranyi, mayor of Ferencváros, it is important to install the facility in Budapest because “BLM’s objectives against racism and police brutality are as relevant in Hungary as anywhere else.” As an example, the Orbán government mentioned the “relentless campaign” against migrants and refugees and the “systematic discrimination against Roma in Hungary”.

The sculpture’s creator, Péter Szalay, was not surprised by the hard feelings.

No problem, I really hope they hit him with an ax.

He told Euronews, adding that he prints the thermoplastic parts and that if they are damaged, the damaged part can be replaced later. It was strange that many “threatened this even before seeing the finished work.”

By the way, Our Country protested in Ferencváros on the eve of the delivery of the BLM statue, since in its opinion the work is a “European, white, heterosexual and anti-Christian symbol”.
