At home: Orbán: 7 million first vaccines will be available at the end of May


The number of vaccinated in Hungary exceeded 2 million. Why is the government planning to open exactly 2.5 million vaccinated people? asked the presenter.

Open is a misleading term, like a person throwing a sign at the entrance. It can be opened in stages, which is why the government uses the word restart, says Orbán. The 2.5 million, he said, were designated by a moral law, as the country should not restart until those most at risk of life, those over 65, have been vaccinated.

It would be immensely unfair not to take special care of them, the prime minister said, saying that the government had established a separate set of rules that would not be risky until all registered people over the age of 65 were vaccinated. And their vaccination ends approximately when 2.5 million people have been vaccinated.

In Wave 3, it is not enough to appeal to people’s discretion due to quarantine fatigue, continues the presenter. Wouldn’t a shorter but tighter closure have been smarter?

Everyone follows the rules. There are not many, you can see, if there are many in the building, let’s wear a mask, Orbán said. Wave 3 is caused by the British mutant, which spreads faster. As long as the infection was isolated, the closure helped. Now that the infection is massive, this restriction can only slow it down, not stop it. It was enough to close in the spring, now we can only slow down with the restriction. There is a cure, the vaccine. All efforts should be focused on this, he said.

In the 3rd wave, many people got sick and died, isn’t it a bad idea that the government is already talking about opening? the question sounds.

Many of us have serious losses, family members, coworkers. Once we have stopped the epidemic, we must also restart community life, find a way for others. It’s about more than just restarting stores. The virus is destroying jobs, it is also attacking the economy, the prime minister said, saying that it is not possible to restart hotels and restaurants overnight, while parents should also know what to expect when their children can go to the garden. of infants or school. You need to vaccinate him and plan the opening at the same time, he said.

They go to very high vaccination rates, but the bad news is that the mortality statistics are very high. It is a question of when this can change.

Orban says he only hears bad news. Vaccination alone helps, the faster we vaccinate, the fewer people die, it is important not to sit and listen to anti-vaccination sounds, “he said, adding that speaking out against vaccination is a sin. Anyone who has not been vaccinated because they have listened to the anti-vaccine politicians can die.

If you have already mentioned politicians, a counter-campaign, those who have campaigned against vaccination will also get vaccinated. Can’t finish the anti-vaccination campaign? the question sounds.

Orbán says he asks everyone to let the doctors and nurses work, not to distribute camouflage videos. Anyone who does not trust the vaccine, understands that there are, but it must be a personal decision, do not try to get anyone else to get vaccinated.

Several institutions have complained that they are reaching the limit of their performance, suggests the presenter, unable to provide patients with the quality that everyone would expect.

According to Orbán, the hats must be raised in front of the doctors and nurses, they do a superhuman job. He has consulted with hospital directors on several occasions, believing that no human life depends on workers because they do their jobs conscientiously. Doctors have enough freedom to reorganize care, he believes there will be enough people, command, redistribution is the method by which they can solve the situation.

Hungarian healthcare is in better shape than many would have thought before. Half of the designated beds are still free, with twice as many fans available for immediate use as those in use now.

Is there a spare? the presenter asks.

Orbán says that he also sleeps 4 hours, but obviously it is difficult for the doctors, so he asks to give all the support to the nurses, to the doctors. Now is not the time to go to hospitals to make camouflage videos, fake news.

Intensive care units are slowly filling up with covidium patients, but many other patients would also need that kind of care, as they hear less about them, the presenter suggests.

Orban said no one should be removed from important care. They can handle the care of the most serious patients and covids at the same time.

Teachers will only receive one vaccination until April 19, is that enough protection?

Orban said that when he received his first vaccination, he went to work. The truth is that the first vaccination provides serious protection. He understands that everyone wants to get the second vaccine as soon as possible and even wait, but he also takes into account the interests of parents, who have to work, have to live in some way. You will receive enough a week before the restart for the first vaccination, with which you will be able to undertake education. The interests of children and parents must also be taken into account, he said.

The host also mentioned vaccine envy as a buzzword these days.

Orbán said that many small personal considerations are needed, GPs are allowed to apply a derogation. This can lead to situations where others may feel unfair, but allow everyone to trust the doctors to make a professional decision.

Where is the vaccination of pregnant women? the presenter asks.

Orbán said that for a long time the guideline was not to vaccinate pregnant women, and then they went on to get vaccinated with a certain vaccine. This was also taken over by the Hungarian operational staff. 42,000 pregnant women can receive the vaccine.

Austria also orders Russian vaccines, the issue of eastern supply is sensitive. Did you expect that? the presenter asks.

Orbán says he tries to say it modestly, but he can’t say it any softer than he was sure. EU vaccines do not arrive on time, the European Commission has screwed up something. The vaccine cannot become a political, ideological issue. If we had not ordered the Chinese and Russian vaccines, we would have been able to vaccinate half of the people we have vaccinated so far, Orbán said, saying there was no risky decision, that insidious accusations had to be endured, but that many thousands were saved. .

The German press is sure that many vaccines will arrive after Easter, suggests the presenter.

Orban said everyone trusted him in November too. Orbán released the list of how many vaccines should reach the country to disseminate. It will be just over 2.3 million by April 6, and 4.121 million vaccines will be available in early May. By the end of May, 7 million first vaccinations could be achieved.

MKIK wants to reopen, health professionals would close. How can this be coordinated?

There is no way to coordinate this, the change will be achieved with vaccination, says the prime minister. The numbers do not look good, the number of people in the hospital is more than 10,000, the vaccine has not yet been able to kill the virus, it will break the epidemic as the number of people vaccinated increases, it will improve. Orbán also referred to the fact that according to the results of the consultation, schools should be opened in stages, first restaurants, then restaurants, adding that after Easter 2.5 million vaccines will be available, schools may be opened and stores with a new protection system. The others will follow, but he has not yet discussed the details.

He will always inform the public a week before the next step about what action the operational staff has decided, he promised.

Can the promise of creating as many jobs as before the epidemic be fulfilled?

They work with 100,000 fewer people than before the epidemic, so it is necessary to create at least that many. Orban says he will succeed, he keeps that promise. He hopes there will be an economic start that creates more jobs than the epidemic has ruined.

They will also return to the meeting on Thursday, where Orbán will meet Salvini.

According to the Hungarian Prime Minister, a clear situation has emerged. Many people are not represented in the EU, these voters have a fragmented representation, and this will be helped tomorrow, when the Polish prime minister and hopefully the future Italian prime minister are here, Orbán said.

What summer are we going to have?

We are now on the verge of a victory. We will have 2-3 more difficult weeks, but he is confident that the throbbing sounds will fade, our summer will be pleasant, loud and joyous. Now we still have hearts with those who have lost a loved one. Meanwhile, we are preparing to regain our hopeful life, it is only at hand. According to Orbán, “we will take 2-3 more steps” and we will win, we will recover our old life. He added that we will find our way back to the pre-epidemic state. If not in one step, but safe in late summer.
