Pregnant women are still vaccinated.

Coronavirus – the second year

More than a year has passed since the Chinese authorities informed the WHO of the emergence of a new, fast-spreading virus. Since then, there has hardly been a person in the world who has not heard the term Covid-19, and more and more people are mourning a family member or friend with whom the new disease has ended while stocks have run out. collapsed in weeks and our whole lives. they have been rewritten by the epidemic. By now, the vaccines have been completed, which in turn raises not only hope, but again many questions, while not only stopping the virus, but also threatening another mutation. You can find the details of this fight in our article series.

However, breastfeeding mothers don’t get vaccinated out of turn, that’s what happens. RTL Newsof the letter from the Chief Medical Officer. It also states that only pregnant women ranked higher in the vaccination order.

That is all RTLIt was confirmed by several GPs on Wednesday. Pregnant women should consult with their GP after registration, they will be vaccinated in clinics or designated vaccination points.

In addition to pregnant women, nursing mothers could request the vaccination offline on Saturday. That day there were already long lines of snakes at the Semmelweis University and Rókus Hospital vaccinations. According to various reports, those who could not prove that they had recently given birth were also vaccinated. Then, Katalin Novák, the Minister without Family Portfolio, asked those involved to take their pregnancy care brochure with them.

On Tuesday, the National Hospital Directorate also published a sample certificate for nursing mothers, but it soon disappeared from its website.

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The model certificate that lactating women must present for vaccination is no longer available
At home

For a few hours, only a sample of a breastfeeding document could be downloaded from the website of the General Directorate of the National Hospital.

A lactation certificate has been issued to take you to the vaccination point.
At home

Vaccination can be requested with a final report on delivery of no more than one year, a document certifying breastfeeding and a referral from a family doctor.