Another anti-vaccination opposition politician died, may have been infected by Klára Dobrev


Another DK politician died in the epidemic. András Penz was 71 years old and worked for the Democratic Coalition as a representative of the local government in Pest County. Like his party, he has campaigned against Chinese vaccines several times in recent weeks. A Tata DK politician also died last week. He also met Ferenc Gyurcsány’s wife in early March, during the period when Klára Dobrev was touring the countryside, and several photos show that he did not wear a mask during indoor and outdoor meetings, M1 Híradó reported.

A politician from the Democratic Coalition has died of a coronavirus“- wrote the Hungarian Nation on Tuesday, after Ferenc Gyurcsány’s party announced a few days ago: András Penz, party representative in Pest and Kistarcsa county, died on March 26. The Hungarian nation puts it this way: it is tragic that the deputy’s death may even have been implicated in his party’s anti-vaccination mood.

The 71-year-old politician also shared his earlier petition against the Chinese vaccine by the community. According to information from the Hungarian Nation, although his wife received the Sinopharm vaccine in early March, András Penz himself admitted after his illness that he had not been vaccinated.

According to the Hungarian nation, even so

It can also be assumed that a DK politician, insisting on his party’s position criticizing the Chinese vaccine, rejected the vaccine, which could have saved his life.

The amount of people who see just one post here on Facebook that left us here is gone. People I have personally met with whom life has taken us side by side in recent years.”- Meanwhile, Ferenc Gyurcsány’s wife recently wrote this on her own community page after she also contracted the coronavirus.

Klára Dobrev commented that while she was recovering at home, not everyone she knew was so lucky and said the government did not understand its responsibility to protect human lives.

But Origo knows that a few days ago in Tata the municipal representative of DK died also on coronavirus, who he himself reported earlier this month that he spoke to Klara Dobrev. And in Tatabánya – where Ferenc Gyurcsány’s wife met with the SE mayor at the town hall – according to the newspaper, a municipal worker died from the disease.

Klára Dobrev embarked on a campaign tour in late February, but not long after announced in his own community that he had tested positive for his coronavirus. Meanwhile, the discussions were recorded, in which Klára Dobrev and his negotiating partners did not have a mask either. Ferenc Gyurcsány’s wife, Erik Konczer, head of the Komárom-Esztergom County Assembly in the SE, also met in Tata.

Erik Konczer stood out in a Facebook post alongside Klára Dobrev on Tuesday.

He wrote: although Károly Gyűrüs, who died from the coronary virus, was also there when Ferenc Gyurcsány’s wife arrived, but their meeting did not last more than half a minute, they greeted each other from afar and exchanged a few words.

According to him, it is impossible that Klára Dobrev had infected someone, because his test came back negative after the unmasked encounter with Ferenc Gyurcsány’s wife. Origo also states that it is not possible to know from whom the municipal representative, who died on March 22, received the virus or who infected the Tatabánya municipality employee.
